M., & Hefni, H., 2009). While the era continues to develop, da'wah as a communication
process, there are not many studies that explain how the communication process must take
place in ethical preaching. Several studies show that the discussion of da'wah is based on
communication science, while the discussion on the concept of da'wah is not fully mastered
and discussed in detail (Hefni, 2017; Ma’arif, 2015; Suhandang, 2014). In contrast, several
studies show discussion of da'wah based on da'wah science, while discussions on the concept
or theory of communication are not fully mastered and discussed in detail (M. A. Aziz, 2009;
Pirol, 2018). In this paper the discussion will interconnect and integrate the science of da'wah
with the science of communication in a balanced and proportional manner (Kholili, 2022;
Fakhruroji, 2017; Ilaihi, 2010).
This paper complements the shortcomings of previous da'wah studies, which did not
interconnect and integrate da'wah scholarship with communication science. In particular, this
study aims other than to map the process of da'wah communication that occurs. It also tries to
analyze the possibility of several factors causing deviations in the da'wah communication
process which is troubling the community. This paper can be useful when used as a guide in
mapping and analyzing deviations that occur in the da'wah communication process. Several
da'wah communication activities took place non-standard. The da'wah actor's lack of
understanding of the da'i concept as a communicator, the concept of da'wah communication
messages, and the concept of da'wah communication methods have made the da'wah that
takes place to be unmerciful, unpleasant, and unprofitable for his followers. On the other
hand, the presence of da'wah is actually troubling and agitating. Thus, the failure of preaching
to become a blessing, preaching that is fun and happy for its people is the result of the da'wah
actor's lack of understanding of the standard concept of da'wah communication.
Reconceptualization. Reconceptualization is interpreted as a process of conceptualizing
something with the existing context. This reconceptualization is also related to the creation of
a collective identity, organizational construction, strategies and actions based on historical
contexts and changing political conditions (Ordorika, 2022). At the same time this
reconceptualization process exposes continuity and movement in different times and
locations. In this case reconceptualization can be seen through the characteristics that survive
and change as well as the similarities and differences that give birth to certain movements
(Ordorika, 2022). In the context of the da'wah movement, this reconceptualization can be
seen from the ways and objectives of da'wah. First, in practice da'wah began to shift from the
mosque space to virtual spaces such as the mass media (Usman, 2020; Salih et al., 2019).
Second, the actors who play a role in da'wah activities have experienced a shift, where
previously it was carried out by someone who had qualified religious knowledge and was
known in society as a kiya i, shifting to people who are admired and have many followers
(Hew, 2018). In this case da'wah raises new ustadz-ustadz in social media. Third, the purpose
of da'wah is driven by political activity and party propaganda (Zumaroh, 2018).
This reconceptualization was also carried out by da'wah movements. As shown by
Sulfikar (2018) that the preaching movement of Jamaah Tabligh prioritizes the culture of
moving places which is the hallmark of the group rather than the substance of Islamic
teachings. Reconceptualization can also be presented by radical Islamic movements such as
those carried out by Hizbut Tahrir (Shobron, 2016). The da'wah strategy was carried out in a
structurally radical manner, in which the da'wah carried out by Hizbut Tahrir changed the
awareness of Muslims of the importance of changing Indonesia by upholding the Khilafah al-
Islamiyah political system. This movement offers changes to the political system. Besides
that, reconceptualization also appears in the da'wah communication model and approach.
This is similar to what happened to the Indonesian da'wah movement without dating, where
this movement takes a da'wah approach through giving advice in the WhatsApp group every
Tuesday and Friday (Fatmawati, 2021). In line with this, members in this da'wah movement