Nurrohmatul Amaliya, Supriansyah, Mia Dwi Anggraini, Siti Marifah
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr.Hamka
One of the things experienced by schools in the South Jakarta area is the problems that arise because students
mostly hold gadgets when learning online. Based on the justification of the problem, the community service
proposer team and partners held discussions and decided on the focus of the service to provide gadget addiction
prevention training for children using the family link application. The method used in this Community Service
activity is a method of training and mentoring. in this Community Service activity are, 1. There is an
understanding between the An-Nuriyah Islamic Elementary School South Jakarta teacher and the school
committee about the need for a family link application to monitor internet use in children 2. Can practice this
PKM activity in the form of using a family link application for monitoring usage gadgets in children. The
conclusions obtained from the Community Partnership Program activities held with the partners of SD Islam
An-Nuriyah, South Jakarta, namely: 1. Understanding Psychological Knowledge of Elementary School Age
Children 2. Understanding the Need for Supervision of Children Using Gadgets in Children 3. Pr how to use
Google Family Link App.
Gadget, Prevention, Family Link.
It has been almost more than 2 years that the world has experienced a pandemic due to
Covid-19. One of the impacts directly felt due to this pandemic is the existence of a Home
Study policy where students do not go to school, but study at their respective homes using
gadgets (Mutiara, 2021). Entering the 21st century which demands the era of the industrial
revolution 4.0 (Nurlaila, Aryani, & Senorita, 2022), the challenges faced by society are also
more numerous in order to realize quality Human Resources (HR) but also remain noble,
especially students who are devoted to being students who have a Pancasila student profile
(Aziz & Ahmad, 2012).
As a result of the presence of globalization and digital technology that is so fast, it is
not uncommon for members of the public including teachers, parents, and schools to have
problems with the progress of this technology (Ulfah, 2020). One of the things that is
experienced by schools in the South Jakarta area is the problem that arises as a result of
students mostly holding gadgets during online learning (Distance Learning/PJJ). This was
revealed by Ms. Laili Nisfi Afifah, S.Pd. (Head of SD Islam An-Nuriyah South Jakarta) who
stated that when most of the students at the school entered the post-PJJ Face-to-Face
Learning (PTM) period, there were indications of experiencing gadget addiction, and some
students even often accessed pornographic content. It is known that this started from reports
from teachers at the school where during the post-PJJ PTM, several students were found with
very different postures and language styles. In addition, there was one teacher who received a
report from the student's parents where the student had been found to be addicted to gadgets
and often accessed pornographic content, and based on the teacher's search results, the
student in question was distributing videos and content that was less accessible for children
aged elementary school to one of the class group Whatsapp media in which there is no
teacher/homeroom teacher.
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 3, March 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Gadget Addiction Prevention Workshop in Children at
An-Nuriyah Islamic Elementary School
Departing from these problems, the teachers did not remain silent, and then tried to
track the gadgets that were accessed by children by communicating with the parents of
students (Nasution, 2021). The search resulted in several chat histories on Whatsapp for class
groups containing pornographic content, videos and stickers. After further observation, it
turned out that they got the content, videos and stickers from the surrounding environment
who were already at the junior and senior high school levels (Wonoseputro, 2007).
In response to this, the school has taken action in the form of summoning parents of
students who indicated they are addicted to gadgets and spreading content that is
inappropriate for elementary school-age children. From this it was followed up by carrying
out special supervision of these students by providing assistance before starting learning they
were required to read prayers and istighfar and monitored during the implementation of
Figure 1. The team's FGD with the Head of SD An-Nuriyah South Jakarta
From the results of discussions with the Principal of SD Islam An-Nuriyah South
Jakarta, and also based on an analysis of the questionnaires given to teachers and parents of
students, it was obtained that 62.5% of students at the school indicated that they were
addicted to gadgets, and 37.5% stated that there was no indication of gadget addiction.
According to Ms. Laili, even though there have been several actions taken by the school in
overcoming the problem, it is not enough considering the very rapid development of the era
where information technology innovation creates its own dilemma. On the one hand, this
technological progress is good because it can create new ideas and ideas and innovations both
in the field of education and in the field of society (Srilaksmi & Indrayasa, 2020). However,
as human beings as well as parents who will prepare children for 21st century learning, they
are expected to be able to have a Pancasila student profile, namely 1) Faith, piety to God
Almighty and noble character; 2) Independent; 3) Collaborate; 4) Global diversity; 5) Critical
reasoning; and 6) Creative. In other words, we must prepare our generation of children both
physically and mentally to face the industrial revolution period. Then what is the role of an
educator both teachers and parents in educating the millennial generation, so we as parents
must be willing to keep up with the times. If we don't want to get involved, don't want to be
involved, don't want to know, then our children have gone further, so we won't be able to
control our children properly (Darmiwati, 2004).
Demands in the field of Information and Technology (IT) are very relevant in this 21st
century learning period. Mastery of Science and Technology is very important for both
teachers and parents, because during the COVID-9 pandemic which has been going on for 2
years, when the government implemented a study at home policy, parents at home also
played a double role as teachers (Winarsieh & Rizqiyah, 2020). So that parents need to carry
out strict supervision of children in using gadgets so that time can be controlled and also
parents can control the content that children watch (Rinaldi, Mauliani, & Lissimia, 2017).
Gadget Addiction Prevention Workshop in Children at
An-Nuriyah Islamic Elementary School
Based on the situation analysis carried out by the service team, the condition of
Distance Learning (PJJ) has created a lot of polemics for the community, especially teachers
and parents who deal with students every day. Therefore the service team intends to propose
a training as an effort to prevent gadget addiction in children by using the family link
This research aims to provide education on how to educate children in the 21st century
learning era, conduct training in efforts to prevent children's addiction to gadgets by using the
family link application and conduct training in efforts to monitor content that can be accessed
by children using the family link application.
The methods used in Community Service activities are:
1. Training methods.
The resource persons who are members of this team are resource persons who are
experts in the field of Basic Education and Education Management and will also be
presented with external speakers who are experts in the field of Technology and
Information as well as resource persons who serve as Principals of the UHAMKA
Progressive Women's School, who will provide an introduction and training on using the
Family application The link is in the PKM partner's place.
2. Assistance method,
Internal resource persons (Community Service Implementation Team) identify
problems and jointly provide assistance for 5 days regarding material in the field of
science and technology, namely by conducting training to limit screen time and parenting
control systems in the use of gadgets for children.
The stages of training activities in preventing gadget addiction in children by using the
family link application to find out the systematic processes carried out by the team in
implementing solutions to specific problems faced by partners through the stages of
implementing activities can be seen below.
9 rules of Digital Citizenship (Kamayani & Pramudiani, n.d.).
1. Digital Commerce: tell the child to ask permission first before clicking "Buy"
2. Digital Downtime: limit the time for using gadgets so that children have the ability to
socialize face-to-face (Suyanto, 2010).
3. Digital Etiquette: teach children to re-read messages before clicking "Send", also remind
them that there are conversations that are better discussed face-to-face
4. Digital Health: provide clear rules when it is permissible/should use gadgets, when to be
separated from gadgets (eg study time, eating, sleeping)
5. Digital Integrity: teach children to look for credible online sources, not to get caught up in
6. Digital Literacy: teach children to avoid suspicious e-mails, e-mail file attachments,
websites and online advertisements. As parents educate yourself about phishing, scams,
internet fraud etc
7. Digital Privacy: teach children not to connect with strangers, limit personal information on
profiles and also how to change privacy settings on social media
8. Digital Responsibility: teach children to report cyberbullying, violence and inappropriate
content to their parents
9. Digital Security: teach children to use strong passwords, change passwords regularly. A
strong password consists of 8 characters, a combination of capital letters, lowercase letters,
numbers and special characters.
Gadget Addiction Prevention Workshop in Children at
An-Nuriyah Islamic Elementary School
The outputs achieved in this Community Service activity are:
1. There is an understanding for the teachers of SD Islam An-Nuriyah South Jakarta and the
school committee about the need for the family link application to monitor internet use in
2. Can practice this PKM activity in the form of using the family link application to monitor
the use of gadgets in children
This PKM activity is carried out within 4 days with the distribution of 1 day offline
(face to face) and 3 days of mentoring through WhatsApp (WA) Group media with the
following schedule:
Table 1. Schedule of PKM Activities
Forms of activity
Day 1
Presentation of Material
1 (Psychology of
Elementary School-aged
Presentation of Material
2 (Why the Need to
Supervise the Use of
Gadgets in Children)
Presentation of Material
3 (Training on Using the
Google Family Link
1. Dr. Hj.
Amaliyah, M.Pd
2. Puri Pramudiani,
S.Pd., M.Si
3. Mia Kamayani,
S.T., M.T.
Day 2
PKM Team
Day 3
PKM Team
Day 4
PKM Team
In this Community Partnership Program activity there are inhibiting factors and
supporting factors. The inhibiting factors experienced in this activity are as follows:
1. Lack of knowledge about the use of information technology, especially in terms of
knowledge about family link applications
2. Limited space owned by partner places, so the number of participants who take part in this
Community Partnership Program is limited
3. There were 2 participants who had not collected the bills/tasks that had been determined,
due to network constraints and misunderstanding in using the family link application.
In addition to the factors that hinder these activities, there are also factors that support
this PKM activity. These supporting factors include:
1. The existence of An-Nuriyah Islamic Elementary School which has an extraordinary
desire and enthusiasm to partner in this PKM activity is coupled with the support of the
school committee in the school.
2. About 60% of the participants who took part in this activity came from school committee
members (parents of students).
Gadget Addiction Prevention Workshop in Children at
An-Nuriyah Islamic Elementary School
PKM implementation activities are carried out offline and online. Offline activities
were carried out on the first day at An-Nuriyah Islamic Elementary School, South Jakarta by
complying with the established health protocols. While mentoring activities are carried out
offline through the WhatsApp Group media.
The conclusions obtained from the Community Partnership Program activities held
with SD Islam An-Nuriyah partners, South Jakarta, namely: Understanding knowledge about
the Psychology of Elementary School-aged Children, Understanding the Need for
Supervision of Gadget Use in Children and Practices regarding the Use of the Google Family
Link Application.
Suggestions that can be given in the activities of this Community Partnership Program
are: evaluation efforts in activities that are carried out on an ongoing basis, so that existing
and implemented programs get maximum results, because there is a need for more in-depth
coaching at partner institutions of the Community Activity Program.
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Gadget Addiction Prevention Workshop in Children at
An-Nuriyah Islamic Elementary School
Copyright holders:
Nurrohmatul Amaliyah, Supriansyah, Mia Dwi Anggraini, Siti Marifah (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0