Analysis of Community Satisfaction with the Integrated Police Service
Center at the East Kutai Police
Sigit Partawijaya, Bonaventura Ngarawula, Dodot Sapto Adi
Postgraduate Universitas Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
Email: sigitwijaya57[email protected],,
Public services are activities carried out in the framework of fulfilling service needs in accordance with
statutory regulations for every citizen and resident for administrative services provided by public service
providers. Public service providers are any state administration institutions that can be in the form of
corporations or independent institutions established under law for public service activities. This study aims to
evaluate community satisfaction with the East Kutai Police Integrated Police Service Center and to determine
the extent to which the implementation of job evaluation of officers at the East Kutai Police Integrated Service
Center. The method used by the author in this study is qualitative analysis supported by quantitative data.
Qualitative analysis in this study was conducted using interview techniques. It was concluded that the services
provided by the East Kutai Police SPKT were very good, this can be seen from the results of the respondents'
answers who said that officers provide Service: Smile, Greet, Greeting, when providing services, then the
service system provided by officers is also according to standards. operating procedure (SOP) and not
complicated, apart from that the service period provided is in accordance with applicable regulations, and
officers have never asked for fees during the service process or there have been no illegal fees requested by
officers, this is proven by the presence of CCTV installed in the SPKT service room, so that if there are
complaints regarding illegal levies, the CCTV can be used as evidence, besides that the officers also receive
criticism and suggestions, this can be seen from the existence of a suggestion box in the SPKT room.
Public Needs, Community Satisfaction, Public Services.
Public services are activities carried out in the framework of fulfilling service needs in
accordance with statutory regulations for every citizen and resident for administrative
services provided by public service providers (Wawointana, Pangkey, & Langkay, 2019).
Public service providers are any state administration institutions that can be in the form of
corporations or independent institutions established under law for public service activities
(Ferlie & Ongaro, 2022). In its implementation, public services must be based on service
standards that can be used as a reference in providing an assessment of the quality of services
provided by public service providers to the community. In order to produce quality, fast,
accurate, easy and affordable public services, public services have been regulated in the Law
of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services.
The implementation of public services can include public complaint services, providing
information that can be accessed easily by all levels of society, as well as consulting services
according to the needs of the community (Sørensen, 2018). If there is an inability, violation
or failure in the implementation of public services, it will be the responsibility of the
administrator and the implementing agency, therefore the image of an agency can be reflected
in how an agency provides optimal public services. In the implementation of public services,
service standards must be prepared by the administrator by taking into account the ability of
the administrator, the needs of the community, and environmental conditions. It is obligatory
to involve the community and related parties in the preparation. Service standards may
include legal basis, required requirements, systems, mechanisms and procedures, timeframe
for completion, fees and rates, service products, service support facilities and facilities,
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 3, March 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
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Systems on Managerial Performance with Organizational Culture as a Moderating Variable 240
competence of service personnel, number of officers providing services, periodic internal
supervision from superiors , how to handle complaints, as well as solutions in the form of
suggestions and input received by the community, service guarantees in accordance with
standard operating procedures (SOP), service security and safety guarantees in the form of a
commitment to provide a sense of security, free from danger and other threats, and evaluation
of the performance of public service providers (Kadushin & Harkness, 2014). By
implementing good public service standards, it is expected that public service providers can
provide optimally oriented services according to the needs of the community, because the
orientation of public services is community satisfaction.
The public service providers that the public hears about the most are usually the
services provided by the Regional Government, even though there are many types of
community services that are no less important, for example the services provided by the
Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) of the East Kutai Police. SPKT is tasked with
providing police services to the public, in the form of first handling reports or complaints,
police assistance/assistance services, together with related functions to visit TKPs to carry out
security activities and TKP processing in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
SPKT was formed based on Republic of Indonesia National Police Regulation Number 1 of
2018 Concerning Police Services 110. This Law is also supported by Law No. 2 of 2002
concerning the Indonesian National Police, Law no. 8 of 1981 concerning the Criminal Code,
Chief of Police Decree No. 23 of 2010 concerning Organizational Structure and Work
Procedures at the Polres and Polsek Levels, while the quality of public services at SPKT has
been adjusted to ISO 9001:2008 International service quality standards.
This is as stated based on the results of previous research conducted by Maulana,
(Albasith, 2016), that the SPKT has implemented a strategy to improve the quality of public
services guided by David Osborne's concept. By implementing the five indicators which
include: the core strategy (the existence of the SPKT Head's policy directives), a comfortable
place for service, the supervision strategy (the monitoring of police performance by internal
and external police parties), and the cultural strategy (the 3S strategy of smiling, greeting,
greeting and all members must be friendly). Besides that, (Sadat, Zoghi, &
Malekmohammadi, 2020) also confirms that SPKT services, especially in the SP2HP section,
show a very strong correlation, have a positive and significant effect. Furthermore, research
by (Umami, 2019) concerning the work productivity of the SPKT at the Medan Polrestabes,
the results of the research show that the work productivity of the SPKT Polrestabes Medan
has been said to be productive even though it has not been implemented optimally.
Furthermore, previous research by Pongtuluran, (Pongtuluran, Mengga, & Ronal, 2021)
results showed that the level of community satisfaction with services at SPKT was in the
good category with a community satisfaction index value of 80.834, and indicated the results
were at good service quality (B). Furthermore, research by (Kamoda, 2020) shows that
services at the SPKT Polda North Sulawesi unit from a tangibles perspective still need to pay
attention to the physical appearance of the room because there are still several inadequate
facilities, in terms of reliability the way to respond to community reports is quite good,
because officers are considered capable trying to help the difficulties experienced by the
community, while from assurance the police officers really understand the existing
procedures in providing services to the community.
The description of the research results shows how important it is to pay close attention
to the role of the SPKT in providing services to the public, for example, such as loss reports
(lost KTPs, lost birth certificates, lost marriage books, lost family cards, lost BPJS cards, lost
diplomas, lost transcripts). grades, lost driving licenses, lost ATM cards, lost land certificates,
etc.), reports of theft such as vehicle theft or theft of valuables, reports of beatings, reports of
disputes over debt problems, reports of drug trafficking, reports of gambling, people getting
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Systems on Managerial Performance with Organizational Culture as a Moderating Variable 241
drunk, reports sexual abuse, reports of land grabbing, reports of murders, reports of finding
bodies, reports of domestic violence, and so on.
Based on data obtained by researchers at the East Kutai Police SPKT in 2021-2022
there was an increase in the number of public reports at the East Kutai Police SPKT. The
large number of community reports in SPKT can be an illustration of the high social
problems that occur in East Kutai Regency. If the social problems of this community are not
handled properly, it will lead to many cases of violations that occur in East Kutai Regency.
Furthermore, the researcher describes the number of reports in East Kutai from 2021 to 2022
as follows:
Table 1. Number of SPKT Polres for East Kutim 2021-2022
Report Type
Police Report
(drug cases, theft, sexual immorality,
murder, beatings, land grabs).
218 Reports
Visa request
(cases of abuse, rape, and finding bodies).
107 Reports
Lost Items Report
(eg loss of KTP, SIM, family card,
diploma, SKHU, transcripts, ATM cards,
savings books, BPKB, diplomas, STNK,
KTP, BPJS, land certificates, etc.).
344 Reports
Complaint Report
(cases of fraud and accounts payable)
150 Reports
Mediation statement
(cases of domestic violence, fights, debt
settlement agreements, drunkenness, etc.).
20 Reports
Missing person search
1 Reports
Certificate of Carriage of the Body
6 Reports
Vehicle driving certificate
7 Reports
853 Reports
Source: SPKT Polres Kutim, 2022
Based on the data in table 1. in 2021 from January to December there were 853 reports,
while in 2022 from January to May there were 364 reports. Based on phenomena in the field,
the researchers found that there were still many people who were not satisfied with the
services at the Kutim Polres SPKT, this was because people who wanted to make a police
statement often did not know what documents or evidence had to be prepared before making
a report, so often people have to go back and forth quite a distance just to get a statement
from the police.
Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency for East Kutai Regency, the
population of East Kutai Regency in 2020 is 424,334 people with a density of 12 people/km2.
This regency has an area of 35,747.50 km2 or 17% of the total area of East Kalimantan
Province. East Kutai Regency was split into a Regency in 1999, and is currently only 13
years old. The average population growth over the last 4 years was 4.08%. The increase in
the number of police reports in East Kutai Regency has increased in line with the increasing
number of population movements to East Kutai Regency. The growth in the number of
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population movements is due to the many job opportunities that exist in East Kutai Regency,
especially in the mining and oil palm plantation sectors.
From this phenomenon, the researcher is interested in taking the title "Analysis of
Community Satisfaction with the Integrated Police Service Center at the East Kutai Police
(Evaluation Study based on Republic of Indonesia National Police Regulation Number 1 of
2018 concerning Police Services 110).
Based on the exploration results of previous studies, the researcher found several
previous studies that are relevant to this research. Even though there is a connection to the
discussion, this research is still very different from previous research. As for some previous
research can be conveyed as follows:
1. Research conducted by (Albasith, 2016) with the title Service Improvement Strategy in the
Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) of the Sidoarjo District Police. The purpose of
this research is to describe the service improvement strategy at the Integrated Police
Service Center (SPKT) of the Sidoarjo District Police. The results showed that the SPKT
Polres Sidoarjo had implemented a strategy to improve the quality of public services
according to David Osborne's concept, by applying five indicators which included the core
strategy (the existence of a policy directive from the Head of the SPKT), a comfortable
place to serve, the strategy of supervision (the monitoring of police performance by
internal parties). and external police), and cultural strategy (there is a 3S strategy, smile,
greet and greet and all members are required to be friendly).
2. Research conducted by (Sadat et al., 2020) ventitled Effects of Service Quality of the
Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) in Responding to Community Complaints at the
Medan Baru Police. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of SPKT
Service Quality in Responding to Community Complaints at the Medan Baru Police. This
study uses a quantitative approach with a research focus using five service indicators
including: responsiveness, politeness, access, communication and service supporting
attributes in the implementation of Notification of Progress of Investigation Results
(SP2HP). The research sample consisted of 40 respondents who provided services to the
SPKT. The results showed that services at SPKT, especially in the SP2HP section, showed
a very strong correlation and had a positive and significant effect.
3. Research conducted by (Umami, 2019) with the title Work Productivity of the Integrated
Police Service Center in the Context of Providing Excellent Service at the Medan
Polrestabes. Respondents in this study were 6 people consisting of the SPKT Head, SPKT
Head, SPKT Members, and 3 community members who served at SPKT. The data
analysis technique uses a quantitative descriptive method. The results of the study indicate
that the work productivity of the Medan Polrestabes SPKT has been said to be productive
but has not been carried out optimally.
4. Research conducted by (Rustandi, Abduh, & Suriani, 2022) with the title Level of
Community Satisfaction with Services at the Tana Toraja Police Integrated Service Center
(SPKT). The purpose of this study is to determine the level of community satisfaction with
services at the Tana Toraja Police SPKT. Respondents in this study were as many as 50
people. The data analysis technique uses a quantitative descriptive method and uses the
Permenpan No. 14 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for compiling community satisfaction
surveys for government agency service delivery units. The results of the study show that
the level of public satisfaction with services at SPKT is in the good category with an IKM
score of 80.834, because this value is between 76.61-68.30 which is in Good service
quality (B).
5. Research conducted by (Stavrova & Siegers, 2014) entitled Evaluation of Public Service
Centers for Integrated Police Services in the North Sulawesi Regional Police. This study
uses a qualitative approach using the concept of Zeithhaml et al (in Pasolog 2011: 135),
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Systems on Managerial Performance with Organizational Culture as a Moderating Variable 243
which says that evaluating performance can be seen from indicators such as Tangibles
(quality of service in the form of physical office facilities, computerization,
administration, waiting rooms, information in the SPKT unit North Sulawesi Regional
Police), Reliability (ability and reliability of officers to provide reliable services),
responsiveness (ability to assist and provide services quickly and accurately and
responsive to the wishes of the community) assurance (ability and friendliness and
courtesy of officers in assuring public trust), and empathy (a firm but caring attitude from
officials to the community). The results showed that the services at the North Sulawesi
Polda SPKT unit in terms of tangibles still need to pay attention to the physical appearance
of the room because there are still several inadequate facilities, in terms of reliability the
way to respond to community reports is quite good, because officers are considered
capable of trying to help the difficulties experienced by the community, while from the
assurance that police officers really understand the existing procedures in providing
services to the community.
This study aims to evaluate community satisfaction with the East Kutai Polres
Integrated Police Service Center (Evaluation of Republic of Indonesia National Police
Regulation Number 1 of 2018 concerning Police Services 110) and to determine the extent to
which the implementation of the work evaluation of officers of the East Kutai Police
Integrated Service Center (Regulatory Evaluation) Republic of Indonesia National Police
Number 1 of 2018 Concerning Police Services 110).
The method used by the author in this study is qualitative analysis supported by
quantitative data (Sugiyono, 2017). Qualitative analysis in this study was carried out using
interview techniques, after the interview technique was carried out, questionnaires were
distributed using quantitative techniques using scoring and tabulation analysis, with a scale of
1 to 3, this was done to support the qualitative data obtained by the researcher.
The location in this study is the East Kutai Police Integrated Service Center (SPKT),
which is located at Jl. Bhayangkara, No. 1 Bukit Pelangi Sangatta Office Center, East Kutai
Regency. Primary data is obtained directly from the source (informant) not through an
intermediary and specifically collected by the researcher to answer the researcher. This
secondary data is supporting data to complement the primary data, namely through library
materials, previous research, books/news and so on.
This study uses a purposive sampling technique, which means that the researcher has
set a target to be interviewed as the main source of information (Barker, 1980). Data
collection techniques that are usually used in qualitative research are interview and
questionnaire techniques, observation techniques, and documentation techniques. The
interview technique in this study was carried out using structured interviews and unstructured
interviews. Documentation of this research is taking pictures by researchers to strengthen
research results. Furthermore, according to (Sugiono, 2004)v, documentation can be in the
form of writing, pictures, or monumental works of a person.
Data Presentation
There are several data collection techniques related to the analysis of community
satisfaction with the integrated police service center at the East Kutai Police. in this study
using qualitative analysis techniques including in-depth interviews, after conducting the
interviews the authors distributed questionnaires using a Likert scale range from 1 to 3, then
the results of the interviews and questionnaires were described as follows:
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1. Results of the author's interviews with people who have served at the East Kutai Police
a. SPKT officers provide 3S services (smile, greet, greeting) when providing services to
the community.
In the opinion of Mrs. Nurul, the people who received services for losing ATM
cards said that, "the officers greeted and greeted me when I did the service there"
(Interview with the community who provided services to the East Kutai Police SPKT,
October 31, 2022).
Furthermore, in the opinion of Mrs. Ainun, the people who provided services
related to the loss of mobile phones said that "the officers gave me a smile and greeted
me when I was carrying out services at the SPKT" (Interview with people who
provided services at the East Kutai Police SPKT, October 31, 2022).
Furthermore, according to Mr. Adi, a community member who had provided
services related to reports of land or land grabbing at the SPKT, he said that "officers
gave greetings and greetings when carrying out services at the SPKT" (Interview with
the community providing services to the East Kutai Police SPKT, October 31 2022)..
Furthermore, according to Mr. Darma, the community who had provided services
related to the loss of a motorbike said that "the officers provided a smile, greeting and
greeting service when I visited the SPKT" (Interview with the community who
provided services to the East Kutai Police SPKT, 31 October 2022). .
In addition, according to Mr. Anto, the community who reported the debt and
receivables case to the SPKT said that "Yes, the officers gave greetings, smiled and
greeted" (Interview with the community who provided services to the East Kutai Police
SPKT, October 31, 2022).
Figure 1. Interview regarding SPKT services with Ms. Nurul
Source: Documentation, 2022
Furthermore, after conducting interviews with the community, the authors
distributed questionnaires with a scale of 1 to 3, related to the question whether officers
provide 3S services when providing services, the result is that all the people who are
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respondents in this study answered yes, officers provide 3S services. The results of the
respondents' answers can be seen through graph 2. as follows:
Figure 2. Diagram of Respondents' Answers regarding Smile, Greet, Greeting Services
Source: Primary Data Processed, 2022
From the questionnaires distributed to the respondents, it was found that 100% of
the respondents answered that SPKT officers provided smile, greeting and greeting
b. The service system provided by SPKT officers is in accordance with the standard
operating procedure (SOP) and is not complicated.
According to Nurul's mother, she said that, "when I did the service for losing an
ATM card, the SPKT officer had carried out according to the procedure and was not
complicated, the process I did yesterday prepared the administration required by the
SPKT, namely a photocopy of my KTP, a certificate from the relevant bank I lost my
ATM card, after that the SPKT officer made a letter of loss of goods (LKB) from the
police. The system that has been implemented is quite fast and straightforward”
(Interview with people who provide services to the East Kutai Police SPKT, October
31, 2022).
In addition, according to Ms. Ainun, she said that, "I went to SPKT in order to
make a report regarding the loss of a cellphone, the time needed to make a report on
lost goods is in accordance with the SOP, but the process of finding a lost cellphone
will be handled by another section, namely the Criminal Investigation Unit, so currently
the lost cellphone is still in the process of being searched and has not been found”
(Interview with the community who provided services to the East Kutai Police SPKT,
October 31, 2022).
Furthermore, according to Mr. Adi, he said that, "I went to SPKT to report cases
of land or land grabbing, the land that I owned was recognized as owned by someone
else, even though the land that I owned already had a legal certificate, for the report
process I think the process is sufficient quickly, the SPKT officer immediately
summoned the suspect who had seized my land, then a mediation process was carried
out, with each including a valid land ownership letter, and finally we agreed to make
peace” (Interview with the community who provided services to the East Kutai Police
SPKT, October 31 2022).
Furthermore, according to Mr. Darma, he said that, "I went to SPKT to report a
case of missing a motorbike, last night I parked my motorbike in front of the house, but
in the morning my motorbike was gone with the condition of the house fence being
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open, after I searched for it My motorbike was not there, I immediately decided to
report this incident to the Kutim Polres SPKT, I hope my motorbike will be found
quickly. For the process of making a report at the SPKT, the service was quite fast, it's
just that I had time to go back and forth several times, because it turned out that when I
made a report on the loss of a motorbike, there were several requirements that were
brought along, such as KTP, STNK, BPKB, motorcycle purchase receipts, motorbike
physical check letter from Samsat, and advertisements in newspapers and radio
regarding the loss of motorbikes” (Interview with residents who provided services to
the East Kutai Police SPKT, October 31, 2022).
Furthermore, according to Mr. Anto, he said that, I went to SPKT to report a
debt and credit case, my friend owed Rp. 5,000,000, - but from 2019 until now there
has been no goodwill to pay off his debts, I have proof in the form of a chat when he
wanted to borrow my money and proof of my transfer to his account for the amount of
money in the chat. In handling this case the SPKT officer immediately summoned the
person concerned to carry out the mediation process at SPKT, and after mediation it
was agreed that my friend would pay Rp. 1,000,000 in advance, and the remainder is
paid in stages with a grace period of 3 months. If my friend does not pay, I will make a
police report at the SPKT for action. I am very grateful to the SPKT officers for helping
me solve this problem quickly” (Interview with people who provided services to the
East Kutai Police SPKT, October 31, 2022).
Figure 3. Interview regarding SPKT services with Mrs. Ainun
Source: Documentation, 2022
Furthermore, after conducting interviews with the community, the authors
distributed questionnaires related to the question whether the SPKT officers provided
services according to standard operating procedures (SOP) and were not complicated
(Kartadinata, Koenang, & Wardhani, 2022). Then the results of the respondents'
answers were presented on a scale of 1 to 3 which can be seen in graph 3 below:
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Graph 4. Respondents' Answers Regarding Services Provided According to SOP
Source: Primary Data Processed, 2022
From the results of the respondents' answers, as much as 100% answered that the
SPKT officers provided services according to the SOP.
c. The service completion period is in accordance with the procedure.
In the opinion of Nurul's mother, she said that, "Yes, the service time provided
was according to procedure" (Interview with the community who provided services to
the East Kutai Police SPKT, October 31, 2022).
Furthermore, Mrs. Ainun said that, "In my opinion, the service time provided is in
accordance with the SOP" (Interview with people who provide services to the East
Kutai Police SPKT, October 31, 2022).
Furthermore, Mr. Adi said that, "The service time provided was quite according
to the SOP, however, because there was a mediation process related to land disputes,
the waiting time for the process of summoning the reported party took quite a long
time" (Interview with the community who provided services to the East Kutai Police
SPKT, 31 October 2022).
According to Darma, he said that, "the service time is in accordance with the SOP
if the requirements brought to the SPKT are complete, but what makes it long is the
requirements that are incomplete, and not socialized enough, so that makes me go back
and forth to the SPKT (Interview with the community service to SPKT Polres Kutai
Timur, 31 October 2022).
According to Mr. Anto, he said that, "the service time provided by the SPKT was
in accordance with the procedures" (Interview with the community who provided
services to the East Kutai Police SPKT, October 31, 2022).
Based on the results of the evaluation that the author did, it was concluded that the
services performed by the East Kutai Police SPKT were very good. the service system
provided by officers is also in accordance with the standard operating procedure (SOP) and is
not complicated, besides that the period of service provided is in accordance with applicable
regulations, and officers have never asked for fees during the service process or there are no
illegal fees requested by officers , this is proven by the existence of CCTV installed in the
SPKT service room, so that if there are complaints regarding illegal levies, the CCTV can be
used as evidence, besides that the officers also receive criticism and suggestions. This can be
seen from the existence of a suggestion box in the SPKT room.
Furthermore, the evaluation of the policy that has been carried out by the Head of the
SPKT against SPKT officers at the East Kutai Police is that there are adequate equipment and
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supplies, air conditioning, wifi, computers, chairs in the waiting room, as well as posters of
no illegal levies, posters of the conditions needed in the service process, SOP posters and
service completion timeframes, then officers also provide security and safety guarantees as
long as the community makes reports or complaints. Furthermore, there is internal and
periodic monitoring from superiors, besides that there is also a performance evaluation from
SPKT officers.
From the results of the evaluation there were several deficiencies in the East Kutai
Police SPKT, namely the number of officers providing services was considered not to meet
the needs in the field, especially when on certain days there were people who did a lot of
reports, which often led to long queues, besides that Officers are also required to make an up-
to-date situation report which is immediately reported to the East Kutai Police Chief. Another
inhibiting factor is the lack of computer equipment, so that when there are many people who
make complaints, people often wait a long time because administrative processes can only be
made on one computer. In carrying out its duties, the SPKT Polres Kutai Timur is in
accordance with Edward A. Suchman's theory which says that an ideal public service means
public service with the characteristics of being effective, simple, easy to organize, clarity and
certainty (transparent), openness, efficiency.
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2019), 660668. Atlantis Press.
Copyright holders:
Erwan Seti Nugroho, Siti Hamidah Rustiana, Haris Sarwoko (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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