Criminal Legal Policies Toward The Release of Conpriants
During The Covid 19 Pandemic in The Ius Constituendum
The three systems of sanctions (triSIS) in criminal law are aimed at benefiting humanity,
namely being able to protect religion, soul, mind, lineage and property.
Main punishments from the triSIS theory are capital punishment, amputation, fines,
flogging, imprisonment, imprisonment, confinement, supervision, and social work.
Meanwhile, complementary punishment is in the form of additional punishment in national
law which principally acts as a complement . Action sanctions in the form of corrective
actions and protective actions. Corrective action is aimed at the internal state of the
perpetrator of the crime in the form of improving his soul, mind and emotions. Meanwhile,
protective measures in the form of restoring the balance are borne by the perpetrator and/or
his family and can also be applied to corporations to restore the balance that has occurred.
Sanctions for compensation in the form of compensation for abolition and compensation for
reductions. The reward for the abolition is in the form of the President's pardon for the
existence of the state, government and society. Meanwhile, the compensation for reduction is
in the form of absolute forgiveness which is the right of the victim/his heirs and relative
forgiveness which is the right of the judge/government in giving forgiveness .
Criminal Sanctions Criminal law in the form of main punishment and complementary
punishment. The main punishment is death penalty which can only be applied to crimes
against life and the existence of the state as the maximum and main sanction, amputation as
the maximum and main crime for crimes against assets and intermediate punishment for
crimes against the existence of the state and property, fines as the maximum punishment and
main for crimes against the body as well as intermediate punishment for all crimes against
life, the existence of the state, property and body, fines as the maximum and main
punishment for crimes against decency, honor and reason as well as being an intermediate
punishment for crimes against life, existence of the state , property, body, as in adultery (a
special maximum of 100 flags), perjury (a special maximum of 80 flags), drinking alcohol (a
special maximum of 40 flags) , imprisonment as the maximum and main crime for crimes
against public order and all crimes due to negligence, the maximum special sentence is 3
years and the minimum k especially 50 days. As well as the intermediate punishment for
crimes against life, the existence of the state, property, body, decency, honor, reason, public
order and crimes due to negligence, then including tazir crimes, namely cover-ups for crimes
against the existence of the state which are committed because they are motivated by
intentions that deserve respect or based on Shari'a, imprisonment that can be imposed on
minor offenses/crimes, length of confinement of at least 1 day and a maximum of 50 days,
criminal supervision for which the term of this crime is a special maximum of 3 years and a
special minimum of 50 days, and social work imposed a maximum of 350 hours for
defendants aged 18 years and over and 175 hours for defendants under 18 years of age. The
shortest time is 7 hours and is not commercialized. Meanwhile, complementary punishment is
permissible in principle as long as it does not exceed the provisions of the main sentence ( not
at the same time as the main penalty) .
From the theory of trisisa, the conversion of the sanction system is a method based on
the rule of law to replace one type of sub-system of criminal law sanctions with another type
of sub-system of criminal criminal law sanctions or replace one type of criminal law sanction
with another type of criminal law sanction. The replacement must be based on legal
regulations that have regulated the criminal law sanction system and the sanction system
conversion system.
Regulations regarding the criminal law sanction system need to be reformed in this
regard in order to accommodate the sanction system as stated in the criminal law theory, so
that the reward sanction sub-system that does not yet exist in national law can be explicitly
accommodated, as well as several types of criminal sanctions that have not been formulated