Gatot Wijayanto, Jushermi, Marzolina, Arwinence Pramadewi, Rovanita Rama
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Riau, Indonesia
This research is a literature study on marketing strategies for MSME owners in Riau. This study aims to analyze
what marketing strategies are used by MSME owners in an effort to maintain their business continuity. The
research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The type of data used in this study is
qualitative data, which is categorized into two types, namely primary data and secondary data. Sources of data
obtained through library research techniques (library study) which refers to sources available both online and
offline such as: scientific journals, books and news sourced from trusted sources. The results of the study
conclude that the marketing strategies carried out by MSME owners in maintaining their business during the
Covid-19 pandemic are; Product Strategy, during the Covid-19 pandemic, MSME owners in Riau also created
innovations in their respective products. Price Strategy (Price), during the pandemic, MSME owners in Riau
also carried out a price strategy in the form of discounts or price discounts to attract consumers and be able to
maintain business. Promotion Strategy (Promotion), The forms of promotion used are: (1) Advertising
(Advertising) (2) Personal Selling (Personal Selling) (3) Sales Promotion (4) Place Strategy
Marketing Strategy, Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises, Covid-19.
At the end of 2019, in December, a suspected case of pneumonia from Wuhan, China
shocked the world. On January 7, 2020, China identified pneumonia as a new coronavirus. In
early 2020, March 11 to be precise, WHO declared that the rapidly growing epidemic had
now become a global pandemic. The spread and increase in Covid-19 cases occurred in a
very fast and short time and has spread to various countries including Indonesia.
Transmission of COVID-19 can occur anytime, anywhere through physical and non-physical
contact (Astuti & Rusdi, 2021).
The COVID-19 pandemic has not only impacted the health sector, but other sectors
such as the social and economic sectors. The government has implemented a policy in the
form of mass social restrictions or PSBB to limit movement in places where people gather.
This causes a decrease in the purchasing power of consumer goods which is detrimental to
producers and sellers (Khaeruddin, Nawawi, Devi, & Ibn, 2020), with a decrease in the trade
sector by 8.32 percentage points in 2020 compared to the previous year. However, the trade
sector remains the third largest contributor to Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP), after
agriculture and manufacturing, with a contribution of 12.93% (Purwahita, Wardhana,
Ardiasa, & Winia, 2021).
Indonesia is officially on the brink of recession after two consecutive quarters of
growth, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). In the second and third quarters
of 2020, the annual growth rate of Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) was negative
5.32% and negative 3.49% (year-on-year). In general, if a country's GDP experiences two
consecutive quarters of negative growth each year, it can be said that the country's economy
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 3, March 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Marketing Strategy in Maintaining the Continuity of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSMEs) during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Pekanbaru City
is in recession (Sholahudin, 2021). According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), a
recession refers to a decline in trade, industry, etc. (as if it had stopped); decrease in trade
(industry) activity (exit, decline) (Astuti & Rusdi, 2021).
One of the effects of the recession is that many companies are laying off workers,
causing unemployment to increase. High unemployment affects people's consumption
patterns (Sukmaraga & Hayati, 2011).
In such an uncertain situation, MSME actors must also adapt their product marketing
strategy. This research will involve SMEs in the city of Iau to become the object of research.
The main focus in this study is to analyze what marketing strategies are carried out by Riau
MSME players in maintaining their business.
The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The type of
data used in this study is qualitative data, which is divided into primary data and secondary
data. Sources of data obtained through literature study are sources that are available online
and offline, such as scientific journals, books, and news from trusted sources. These
resources are gathered from discussions and links from one message to another.
Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews and research.
Analyze data and draw conclusions. Researchers chose several key informants at the research
location, namely MSME owners in the Riau region. Researchers interviewed MSME owners
about the impact MSME owners had during PPKM and how they designed their marketing
strategy to keep their business afloat.
MSMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic
According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia's economic
growth rate remained in the range of 2.97% in the first quarter of 2020, and fell to -5.32% in
the second quarter, still in the negative range of -2.8% in 2020 third quarter and 1%.
Responding to these conditions, the government has taken various steps, especially in the
areas of fiscal, monetary and financial policies. The government takes economic policies
according to the current situation.
The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has caused a decline in global demand, export
production and FDI (Foreign Investment), reducing foreign funding sources. The impact of
the Covid-19 pandemic has also had an impact on the tourism industry, impacting SMEs in it.
The MSME sector has a strategic role in supporting the economic situation in Indonesia. For
example, when Indonesia experienced an economic crisis in 1998, many large companies
went bankrupt as a result of the economic crisis that occurred at that time (Aisyah, 2020).
However, it turns out that the MSME sector can survive and save the Indonesian economy.
However, the current situation is different, the Covid-19 pandemic has not only reduced
MSME sales turnover, but the policy of limiting social activities has also contributed to the
decline in the MSME industry.
The number of Termination of Employment (PHK) throughout the country (PHK) has
caused a socio-economic downturn, so that the government has taken various steps to save
the industry. According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics for 2020, the MSME
sector contributes 61.7% to Indonesia's GDP. Therefore, the government pays more attention
to this area. The government through the Ministry of Finance has prepared a policy package
in the National Economic Recovery Plan (PEN), such as Government Regulation Number 23
of 2020. The government is prioritizing the MSME sector so that it can recover so that the
economy can recover slowly. Government programs to assist MSMEs include: Microfinance,
KUR (People's Commercial Credit), Management of Revolving Funds, Interest Subsidies,
Marketing Strategy in Maintaining the Continuity of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSMEs) during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Pekanbaru City
Tax Incentives and Guaranteed Working Capital Loans. The government has also invested
heavily in PEN schemes so that MSMEs can survive (Soleha, 2020). The Covid-19 pandemic
has become a global business continuity emergency. The pandemic has hampered global
economic growth broadly and rapidly (Blandina, Fitrian, & Septiyani, 2020).
According to a World Bank report (2020), the emergence of Covid-19 has brought
about a global recessionary trend, and all countries without exception have been unable to
withstand its devastating impact. According to the 2020 World Bank report, the global
economy contracted by 5.2%. This also means that SMEs have become victims of the
outbreak and have caused a long-term decline in business conditions (Safitri & Dewa, 2022).
The Covid-19 pandemic has also had a major impact on MSMEs in affected areas. Compared
to before the pandemic, China had 4,800 MSMEs in the worst post-pandemic situation (Lu,
Wu, Peng, & Lu, 2020). The commercial sector is experiencing problems in several ways,
such as supply shortages, decreased demand, and layoffs. (Bartik et al., 2020) analyzed more
than 5,800 MSMEs related to cyberspace and found that the Covid-19 pandemic had a
negative impact on individual businesses and their partners. The scarcity of resources leading
to corporate bankruptcy is the main impact of the epidemic (Rohmawati, 2022).
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, MSME owners, especially those in Riau
Regency, have felt a huge impact (Ramadhan, 2020). Restrictions on community movement
(PPKM) imposed by the government have had a negative impact on business continuity, such
as not allowing residents to gather, closing roads that hamper the distribution of raw materials
and consumer demand, as well as determining opening and closing times (Safitri & Dewa,
2022). The Covid-19 pandemic has become a complex challenge for all MSME owners, or
even went bankrupt because they couldn't afford it. Pay production costs. Months after
Indonesia's first case of Covid-19, the pandemic is far from over, with affected populations
forced to endure the challenge of survival. Small and medium business owners in Riau feel
the same way. To survive the pandemic, they must be creative in product innovation and
marketing strategies.
Marketing strategy
According to (Assauri, 2008), a marketing strategy is a comprehensive (holistic),
integrated and integrated plan in the field of marketing that provides guidelines for the
activities of a company to achieve its marketing goals. Still according to Assauri (2019: 169),
environmental factors that influence companies to formulate their marketing strategy are
market conditions or competition, technological advances, economic conditions, government
regulations and policies, socio-cultural and political situations.
Handika and Darma in their research explain the concept of marketing strategy,
measurement methods, and considerations used by company owners in making decisions
regarding marketing costs, marketing mix, and marketing allocations which will be adjusted
to market condition factors this place (Emiliani et al., 2021).
(Assauri, 2008) argues that one of the elements of marketing strategy is the marketing
mix, and the purpose of the process determines how a company can segment certain products.
The market showcases and offers their products. market. Marketing mix is a combination of
variables or core activities of the marketing system that is controlled by the company to
influence the response of buyers or consumers. These variables require companies to
integrate and coordinate as effectively as possible so that companies can carry out their
marketing plans effectively (Muttaqin, Kosim, & Devi, 2021). The marketing mix is a
marketing strategy, a method in which businesses exchange goods and services to meet
consumer demand. The marketing mix is designed to integrate to produce the desired
response in the target market, including product, price, distribution, promotion, participants,
process and physical evidence (Pondia, 2018).
1. Product
Marketing Strategy in Maintaining the Continuity of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSMEs) during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Pekanbaru City
According to (Tjiptono & Chandra, 2012), product conceptually is a producer's
subjective understanding of goods and services that can work as a company effort to
satisfy consumer needs and desires based on the capabilities and capabilities of the
company and purchases. market power. Products can also be interpreted as consumer
perceptions carried out by producers through production.
2. Price
(Armstrong, 2013) define price as the amount customers have to pay to get the
product they want. (Tjiptono & Chandra, 2012) states that the price strategy is one of the
most important things in marketing. Price is the only marketing mix variable that
generates revenue or income for the company.
3. Distribution (Place)
According to Kotler and Armstrong, distribution is a company's activities to make its
products accessible to target customers. Kotler from Qaira added that distribution is all the
means used to distribute a product and transfer its ownership status from producers to
consumers. Location is synonymous with location and distribution channel. Distribution
channels are important decisions in marketing because they affect other marketing
decisions. Location is an important component because a company is useless if it offers
quality products at affordable prices, but cannot make up for it by providing customers
with easy access to locations (Muttaqin et al., 2021).
4. Promotion (Promotion)
According to Baswir Qaira, promotion is an activity that informs potential customers
about the specifications of a product, especially its comparative advantage. In a promotion,
you must place the product according to the actual situation, try to attract as many
consumers as possible, and make consumers interested in the product being promoted.
Tjiptono added, broadly speaking, promotion consists of five integrated elements, each of
which has advantages, namely: (1) advertising; (2) promotion; (3) public relations; (4)
private selling; (5) direct sales and the Internet Marketing.
5. Participants (people)
Participants (people) from Zeithaml et al. In (Martjiono, Santoso, Aprillia, &
Remiasa, 2016), namely people involved in providing services that can influence
consumer perceptions. According to Grewal and Levy Martjiono (2016: 486), the
knowledge and ability of people to work according to company goals is a very important
capital for success.
According to Kotler and Armstrong in Rinaldi (2009:710), people, employees in an
organization understand their role as a company in dealing with customers. Marketing
success requires education, training, and employee motivation.
6. Process (process)
According to Kotler in (Tantra & Marcelina, 2017), process is how companies serve
their customers, starting from consumers placing orders until consumers get the desired
product. Kotler and Armstrong in Rinaldi (2009: 710) define process as the whole process,
mechanism, and habits of creating products or services and delivering them to customers,
including policy decisions regarding customer involvement issues and employee policies.
7. Physical evidence
Physical evidence according to Kotler and Armstrong in Rinaldi (2009: 710) is the
physical form of the products being sold, including rooms, buildings, atmosphere, etc.,
which consumers perceive as a certain strength of the products offered. (Wulan, Mawardi,
& Pangestuti, 2016) Physical evidence is defined as the environment or place where
products and services are created that can directly affect consumers.
The marketing strategy for MSME owners in Riau in maintaining their business
Marketing Strategy in Maintaining the Continuity of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSMEs) during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Pekanbaru City
The marketing strategies carried out by MSME owners in maintaining their business
during the Covid-19 pandemic are:
1. Product Strategy
The tenacity and commitment of Riau MSME owners can provide maximum
customer satisfaction. product of this company. Riau MSME owners also innovated their
respective products during the Covid-19 pandemic. Good product, good price. This is in
line with Philip Kotler's marketing theory that a product must be structured not only by
considering solutions for customers, but also with the benefits of flexibility and creative
innovation. Producers no longer play the role of satisfying customer needs, but play the
role of creating customer demand.
2. Pricing Strategy
Price is one element of the marketing mix which plays an important role for a
business because price has a special place in the marketing mix and is closely related to
other elements. Some of the factors that need to be considered in implementing pricing
policies are determining the cost of products, setting discounts, financing transportation
costs, and other factors related to price. In order for products to compete in the market,
entrepreneurs can set prices in relation to the market, namely following prices below or
above market prices. Setting the right price allows marketing campaigns to run smoothly
and optimizes the content offered. During the pandemic, MSME business actors in Riau
also implemented a pricing strategy in the form of price discounts to attract consumers and
be able to maintain their business. The price discount innovation by MSME business
actors in Riau is by giving discounts of 10% to 35% depending on the type and quantity of
goods purchased.
3. Promotion Strategy
Promotion is an activity of the marketing mix that is just as important as above, in
which entrepreneurs try to promote all their service offerings, directly or indirectly.
Without promotion, customers will not be able to identify the products or services offered.
Therefore, promotion is the most powerful means of attracting and retaining consumers.
Although in a sharia perspective, promotion is an effort to convey correct information
about goods or services to potential customers or customers. The forms of promotion used
by MSME owners are:
a. Advertising Advertising is a very effective means of promotion to introduce and
explain certain aspects of a product to the general public.
b. Personal sales presentations with or more prospects Answering questions and taking
orders The marketing department plays an important role in executing individual sales
campaigns as it is responsible for taking orders and interacting with potential
c. Personal promotions help communicate and explain product benefits to buyers through
d. Location/Distribution Strategy The location in question is not a place of business or a
location, but rather a location where offers or transactions occur between consumers
and products. In this regard, more emphasis is placed on distribution and channel
strategy. Distribution systems or product distribution can create a competitive
advantage for a business. As Kotler and Armstrong say, localization strategy includes
company activities to deliver products to consumers. The delivery strategy (location) no
longer considers delivery routes that can create convenience and comfort for customers,
but goes a step further, namely delivery flexibility that customers expect, such as
product delivery accuracy, payment methods, etc. The COVID-19 pandemic situation
has created challenges and opportunities for MSMEs to survive and maintain their
Marketing Strategy in Maintaining the Continuity of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSMEs) during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Pekanbaru City
Challenges are defined as SMEs that need short-term solutions. Opportunities are
certain, and short-term solutions need to be followed by long-term solutions, especially in
the digital era that supports economic activity. Some of the solutions are:
a. Maintaining a healthy cash flow, one of the most important factors in running a
business. Therefore, business actors must be able to manage cash optimally and well.
Otherwise, the business risks going bankrupt. Therefore, maintaining a balanced cash
flow position is very important.
b. Demand-based product innovation. On-demand product innovation is one of the
solutions to survive the pandemic.
c. Maximizing the social distancing conditions that are currently enforced by the business
social media community, the most crowded places visited by many people in an effort
to suppress the spread of the corona virus. Therefore, it is necessary to maximize the
use of business social media to introduce products. Starting with your account name,
resume information, content, headlines, hashtags, you need to think about increasing
visibility and engagement.
d. Maximize same-day delivery services Small, medium and micro merchants must
request online or online delivery services. Small, medium and micro businesses can use
the same day delivery service so consumers can receive goods quickly.
Product strategy Riau MSME owners innovated their respective products during the
Covid-19 pandemic. Price Strategy During the pandemic, MSME owners in Riau have also
implemented a pricing strategy in the form of price discounts to attract consumers and be able
to maintain their business. Promotion Strategy The forms of promotion used are: (1)
Advertising (2) Personal Marketing (3) Promotion (4) Location/Distribution.
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Copyright holders:
Gatot Wijayanto, Jushermi, Restu, Arwinence Pramadewi, Rovanita Rama (2023)
Marketing Strategy in Maintaining the Continuity of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSMEs) during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Pekanbaru City
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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