Abstract Community service is an activity that
realizes and improves the quality of community knowledge in helping the
problems experienced by the community in the community. Through the Thematic
Real Work Lecture (KKNT) program based on community service, this activity is
to increase students' sense of solidarity with the existing conditions of the
community. The use of land with hydroponic cultivation is an alternative that
can be done by utilizing minimal yard land and being able to use used goods.
Farming with hydroponics is very environmentally friendly in addition to not
using pesticides, also the production can be used alone or as an economic
source of household income. In addition, the outputs obtainedare
n: (1) Improvement of superior quality of resources; (2) improving household
economic resources; (3) Encourage the progress of the village. On the other
hand, to ensure the discipline and participation of KKNT student participants
and the community, by seeing the success in the form of outputs produced. Keywords: Real Work Lecture, Hydroponic Cultivation |
Students of Asahan University, Faculty of Agriculture carry out the
2022 Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKNT) program in the Bahung
Sibatu–Batu area, one of
which is located in Sei Dadap
District, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra Province.
This KKNT program focuses on socialization activities and training on how to
use land by hydroponic cultivation with the type of mustard pakcoy
plant to increase public awareness to be able to use abandoned land so that it
can be used and build a household economy (Maya et al., 2018; Saputro et al., 2015).
According Gumisiriza et al., (2023) Hydroponics
is a cultivation method that does not use soil media, but uses water / nutrient
mineral solution needed by plants and other materials as a substitute for soil
media that contains nutrients such as coconut husk, mineral fiber. In this
cultivation, Rockwool media is used which has advantages over other media
because it has an ideal water composition ratio (Putra et al., 2019).
According to
Sajogyo, (1994) in Putra et al., (2019) Land is a
piece of land around the house that can still be cultivated regularly. The yard
is also defined as a piece of land located directly around the dwelling and its
boundaries. Because it is located around the house, the yard is a land that is
easy for all family members to cultivate by taking advantage of the available
time. It is very possible to carry out hydroponic planting on the yard land.
is a way of agricultural cultivation without using soil media, so it is only
carried out by using nutritious water as a soil replacement medium (Kováčik et al., 2022). So that
the hydroponic farming system can take advantage of narrow land. Agriculture
using a hydroponic system does not require a large area of land, but in the
agricultural business it is worth considering because it can be done in yards,
houses, roofs or other land (McClure et al., 2023). Some of
the advantages of hydroponic farming compared to planting using soil media are
that pest and disease problems can be reduced (Bahri et al., 2022). There are
many types of plants that can be grown by hydroponics, such as lettuce,
spinach, pakcoy, kale and others. Vegetables are food
ingredients that are very beneficial for the body. This type of plant that is
usually a companion to rice is known to have many nutritional contents that
other foodstuffs do not have. Sumarno and Jahari (2001) explained in Parma, Mahardika, Armawan, & Novia, (2021) vegetables
include fiber which is useful for improving digestion, preventing and reducing
the risk of disease.
Mustard is a
type of vegetable that is widely produced using a hydroponic system. The
prospect of this plant is very potential to be developed due to market demand
and high prices when compared to other types of mustard. Pakchoi
planting using an axis system showed better results compared to the DFT
hydroponic system (Deep Flow Technique) (Madusari et al., 2020).
is applied to urban and rural areas which are economical in water and easy to
maintain and can harvest all year round. There is a need to utilize yards for
hydroponic vegetable cultivation where so far the
yards have only been planted with ornamental flowers and shade trees. Likewise
with the work of the community, especially mothers only as housewives. Based on
the advantages of hydroponics, the community has the opportunity to increase
income by utilizing their yards. In addition, the commodities produced have
high economic value and meet health standards (Christianingrum, 2019).
The method for implementing the work program of KKNT
activities is the delivery of hydroponic materials, direct discussions with
target participants, hands-on practice of sowing hydroponic pakcoy
mustard seeds and planting mature plants in hydroponic growing media, as well
as technical guidance and assistance (Kadir & Irawati,
Group 4
Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKNT) of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Asahan which simultaneously raises awareness and raises
community resources in Bahun Sibatu
- Batu Village to improve the quality of knowledge
and support the household economy for the community. This activity was carried
out at the Dusun II Nutrition Park, Bahung Sibatu – Batu Village for
socialization and hands-on practice, which was attended by the Dusun II PKK
This activity
was carried out as a step to build a more effective future economy by utilizing
narrow yards that could be converted into land that could be used as a
generator for the household economy. From several series of events, starting
from the initial opening to how to carry out the seeding and planting, the
community, especially the PKK women, were very enthusiastic in participating in
the series of activities that were made.
Community Service Program (KKN) in Bahung Sibatu - Batu Village aims to
raise awareness and produce dominant and quality resources in the Bahung Sibatu - Batu Village community to improve the quality of knowledge
and support the household economy. Awareness of human resources on the
importance of utilizing land which is narrow to make one of the efforts in
developing a modern farming system with hydroponic cultivation which is very
practical and environmentally friendly.
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