activities carried out by each organization with the aim of coordinating various resources
owned by the company so that a product or service will be produced efficiently (Hasibuan,
Sikula, Terry, Koontz, & O’Donnel, 2020).
Suhardan stated that education management is a management process in carrying
out educational tasks by utilizing all resources efficiently to achieve goals effectively
(Timor, Saud, & Suhardan, 2018). According to Mulyasa, education management is a
system of managing and structuring educational resources, such as education personnel,
students, communities, curriculum, funds (finance), educational facilities and infrastructure,
management and educational environment.
Therefore, in the study of learning management or education management is divided
into two groups, namely:
a. Administrative management that focuses on planning, organization, guidance, direction,
coordination, and supervision, as well as communication activities
b. Operational management that focuses on administrative, staffing, financial, and school
relations activities with the community6.
c. Education management is an arrangement of the field of education carried out through
planning, organizing, staffing, coaching, coordinating, communicating, motivating,
budgeting, controlling, supervising, assessing and reporting activities systematically to
achieve quality education goals7.
d. From the various statements above can be drawn a
The conclusion that education management is a system of managing and utilizing
all educational resources to carry out a systematic and systemic cooperation process so that
effective and efficient education implementation can be realized for the realization of the
national education goals that have been aspired to.
Human Resource Management (HRM)
In English, Human Resource Management (HRM) is called "Human Resource man
agement" which is abbreviated to HRM. 8 People are part of the resources needed by the
company/organization. However, in its implementation, there are still many management
policies that have not paid attention to the importance of the role of human resources (HR)9,
so from this understanding I can analyze that policy companies still do not pay attention to the
interests of human resources (Stahl, Brewster, Collings, & Hajro, 2020).
Human resource management is a very important aspect in the educational process in
general. Therefore, functions in human resource management must be carried out optimally
so that needs to be related to individual, organizational/institutional, organizational or
institutional goals can be achieved. In addition, with good human resource management
procedures, it is hoped that the shortcomings and problems faced by the Indonesian nation,
namely related to competitiveness capabilities, can be overcome.
Here are some experts' views on the concept of personnel management:
1. Flippo, (2019), stated that personnel management is the process of planning, organizing,
directing and controlling the procurement of labor, development, compensation, integration,
maintenance and termination of employment with a view to achieving goals or objectives
individuals, organizations, and communities.