and others is that the HIPPMA organization has a membership of PTPN II retirees and has
different rights issues, but they still fight together for these different rights so that the members
of the HIPPMA organization are more solid and stronger. The contents of Law No. 13 of 2003
have regulated the normative rights that must be owned by workers. Similarly, retired PTPN II
workers who joined the membership of the HIPPMA organization demanded their rights in the
form of Business Use Rights (HGU), Building Use Rights (HGB), Old Age Compensation
(SHT), Unpaid Pensioner Salary and Jubelium. Every organization must have its own strategies
to deal with dominant power so that rights can be achieved. The HIPPMA organization has a
strategy both directly carried out by mass action and by indirect strategy, namely by
correspondence with the government to ask for protection and ask for the resolution of
pensioner problems and negotiate consensus.
The organization has both positive and negative influences. It can be said to be positive
when what is fought for can be achieved. While the organization is said to have a negative
influence if there are obstacles in the social movement carried out bothinternally and externally
such as funding problems, member saturation, the presence of betrayed members, social
jealousy, the influence of feudal times, the arrival of problems from PTPN and third parties,
the threat of mutation and influenced by the speech of others resulting in clashes in their own
membership. Social movements do not always reach destruction because in this HIPPMA
organization, they have high solidity and struggle so that members of the HIPPMA
organization can survive up to 15 years. The results that have been obtained are the SHT of
pensioners in 1991-1999 has been paid off by PTPN II, the issuance of BPN Decree number
42, 43, 44 / HGU / BPN / 2002 where in Decree 42 the Minister issued 558.35 Ha of land for
plantation pensioners. In addition, members of the HIPPMA organization have protection from
the police, legal entities and government by issuing valid letters from the government so that
retired plantations of the HIPPMA organization until now have not been evicted.
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