Widia Ningsih
Universitas Bunga Bangsa Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Email: widianin[email protected]
The purpose of this study is to analyze the marketplace as an effort to develop a sustainable business strategy
for Fashion MSMEs. One of the most sought-after MSME fields is fashion, because it is one of the basic needs
after food and beverages. The research method used in this study is qualitative descriptive method. Among its
uses is e-commerce as an innovation solution in maintaining business sustainability. Because it has several
advantages in the application of marketplace technology can be accessed everywhere (ubiquity), Wide reach
(global reach), Diverse and interactive application features (richness &; interactive), Have the ability to form
communities for users of products and services, either integrated through sites or through social media (social
technologies), Good interface (graphic user interface), Applications must be compatible (compatibility) to
browser variants
: marletplace; sustanable business; MSMEs
The phenomenon of the COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed all community business
sectors since the end of 2019. The virus, which entered Indonesia around March 2020, caused
many negative impacts on the community's economy. One of the sectors directly affected is
the MSME sector, many MSMEs have been forced to stop selling or close their stalls due to
the Covid-19 Pandemic. Quoted from Despian Nurhidayat, (2020) main cause of the MSME
sector feeling the most impactful is that people still consume goods and services but are not
working which causes the wheels of the economy not to turn.
The surge in positive cases of corona , the high number of cases due to corona made
the government unable to remain silent and issued a Community Activity Restriction
(PPKM) policy with The existence of this policy many people reduce activities outside the
home and more activities are carried out inside the home, ranging from learning activities
such as School From Home and Work From Home.
However, food and clothing needs that must still be met make MSME players rack their
brains to continue to market their products. Another change arises from consumer behavior
that begins to leave transactions directly, consumers are more interested in making
transactions online (Agni Hikmah Permadi, 202 C.E.) . Actually, what consumers need
remains the same, it's just that there is a change in attitude in obtaining it (Diawati et al.,
2021). The development of internet users in Indonesia changes the consumption behavior of
some people from conventional shopping to prefer to shop online, especially through
marketplaces (Hakim, 2019).
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 4, April 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Human Resource Management In Special Education
One of the efforts made by manufacturers to increase sales figures is by utilizing the
marketplace as a promotional medi. Overall, the number of internet users worldwide is
projected to reach 3 billion people by 2015. Three years later, in 2018, it is estimated that as
many as 3.6 billion people on earth will access the internet at least once every month (Kominfo,
2018b). Then the e-commerce business in Indonesia is increasingly promising. The results of
the analysis are seen in terms of consumer behavior, in all online-based trade lines, the trend
of digital-based transactions has increased along with the amount of time people are at home
throughout the pandemic. In addition, the existence of increasingly established technology
accompanied by an increasingly easy and faster transaction speed greatly helps accelerate this
type of digital business.
Figure 1. The curve of increasing sales of sanitary products as well as food and
beverages on various e-commerce platforms.
Source : (Kominfo, 2018a)
One of the most sought-after MSME fields is fashion, because it is one of the basic needs
after food and beverages. In a study written by (Palma &; Andjarwati, 2016) the most
frequently purchased category was on a scale of 1-100, with the Food and Beverage category
in the top position with a scale of 50.26, then followed by Household Appliances 33.36 and
Women's Fashion 27.25.
Figure 1. Popular E-commerce Product List
Source :
Human Resource Management In Special Education
This means that MSMEs in the fashion sector are able to survive in the midst of the
economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and are even able to absorb around 97%
of the workforce (Data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises
2019). This means that the workforce in Indonesia works mostly in the MSME sector and the
remaining 3% only work in the large business sector. Its large contribution to employment
shows that MSMEs have an important role in economic development and growth in both
developing and developed countries. MSMEs contribute to the formation and growth of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) the most compared to their contribution from large businesses
(Halim, 2020).
Seeing from this, the author considers it necessary to conduct research on the
marketplace as an effort to develop a sustainable business strategy for Fashion MSMEs.
Therefore, this study aims to analyze the marketplace as an effort to develop a
sustainable business strategy for Fashion MSMEs. This research is useful for Fashion MSME
players to know more about the marketplace as an effort to develop a sustainable business
The research method used in this study is qualitative descriptive method. The type of data
used in this study is qualitative data, which is categorized into two types, namely primary data
and secondary data. Data sources are obtained through library study techniques that refer to
sources available both online and offline such as: scientific journals, books and news sourced
from trusted sources. These sources are gathered based on discussion and linked from one piece
of information to another. The data collection techniques used in this study were observation,
interview and research. This data is analyzed and then conclusions are drawn..
Based on initial observations, it was found that MSME actors in the fashion sector
already understand the concept of social media so that some of them are not too aware of
social media. The shift in modern market sales patterns and the level of purchasing behavior
of Indonesian consumers from conventional transaction patterns to digital transaction patterns
indirectly causes increasingly unstoppable internet use and a shift in the behavior of Indonesian
people who tend to use mobile applications in conducting these transactions. This situation is
used by MSME business actors, especially in the fashion sector, by maximizing the following
steps :
1. Use of Marketplace
a. Maximizingmerce e-com
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are required to be part ofthe global
community by utilizing information technology through e-commerce, if they do not keep
up with the development of information technology they will be far behind and lose in
competition. Ecommerce is one way that can be done by Small and Medium Enterprises
Human Resource Management In Special Education
(SMEs) to market their products in addition to expanding market access Kuswanto,
(2019). Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) must see the benefits of e-commerce for
easy and efficient market access in line with the era of globalization that will definitely
be faced (Adi, 2018).
E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the process of buying and selling
transactions or exchanging products, services and information through information
networks including the internet. E-commerce is part of e-business where in addition to
using network technology, it also uses database technology (database), electronic mail
(email) and other forms of non-computer technology, such as delivery systems and
payment instruments.
Based on research and case studies in Australia Lawson et al., (2003), there are
several factors that encourage business actors to take advantage of the use of e-
commerce, (1) the use of computers and information technology by business actors, (2)
the application of e-commerce today and future plans, (3) constraints in the use of e-
commerce (4) expertise of information technology staff.
This shows that not only large companies are utilizing e-commerce, but micro,
small and medium companies are also utilizing e-commerce in marketing their products
which is expected to save costs, time and energy, so as to create selling prices that are
able to compete in the market. Thus, consumers will get a low price compared to
traditional purchases made manually.
b. Maximize social media registered Ads
Currently, many people are starting to leave conventional marketing and switch to
digital marketing or commonly called digital marketing. Digital marketing is one of the
marketing media that is in demand by people today. Because, by utilizing digital tools or
media can reach a wider target consumer quickly and precisely. In addition, for the
benefit of business and business marketing through digital media is also more effective
and efficient in the use of advertising funds. One of the marketing media that is much
preferred over non-virtual media is Facebook (Galati et al., 2017).
Social media users, especially Facebook, are currently increasing for various
purposes such as means of finding friends, means of communication, means of finding
and sharing information, and as a means of promotion for business purposes. Promotional
activities are formed to stimulate awareness, interest, and will end with the purchase of a
product Afifah, (2021) Facebook social media has more users than other social media
because Facebook is one of the social media that is very easy to use. So, Facebook can
be used by all people even for people who are new to social networks though. This
statement is also supported by the statement Barokah, Wulandari, Sari, & Yuditama,
(2021) that Facebook has grown to become the most popular social media and its
personalization is increasingly used as an advertising strategy that makes advertising
more relevant to its users. Facebook is a social networking site that has services for its
users to post photos, post information, post comments and share other interesting content
on the Facebook web.
Human Resource Management In Special Education
Facebook has several features that can be used to optimize digital marketing, one
of which is Facebook advertising. Facebook ads are features offered by Facebook as a
medium to promote Facebook pages that have previously been created by its users. So,
Facebook ads or commonly referred to as Facebook Ads are very suitable to be applied
to online business activists, especially mothers who are members of the Purwanegara
village PKK. Because, many PKK mothers in Purwanegara village have run online
businesses through social media, namely Facebook. However, there are still many who
do not understand the use of Facebook Ads to run their online business. So far,
participants still run promotions manually, namely through posts on personal Facebook
homepages without utilizing Facebook's ad promotion features.
Instagram is a new media. According to Crosbie, (2015) new media are various
communication technology devices that share the same characteristics which besides
being new are possible with digitalization and its wide availability for personal use as a
means of communication. As a new media, Instagram social media can be said to be an
online facilitator that strengthens relationships with customers and potential customers.
This is in line with Van Dijk's opinion in Hidayat, (2020) which states that media
platforms focus on the existence of users who facilitate them in activities and
collaborations. Therefore, social media can be seen as an online medium (facilitator) that
strengthens relationships between users as well as social ties. Promotion mix consisting
of advertising, sales promotion, personal.
2. Business Sustanable Strategy
Discussing aspects of sustainability in the business world is certainly inseparable from
consumer behavior patterns that have a tendency to choose to make purchases of goods and
services online. Some of the reasons a customer prefers to transact online is due to low
price factors, shopping that can be done from home and stores that can be open for 24 hours
in 7 days so that shopping online can be the best alternative for consumers when a consumer
needs a product or service but in a very urgent condition.
Business people began to use information and telecommunications technology to run
and support their business activities. The increasingly rapid movement and changes in the
way of doing business towards digitalization force business people to adapt to follow these
changes. For large companies, changes in business patterns that lead to the digitization
process are not too problematic due to the characteristics of large companies that have good
enough resources. However, for MSMEs, this digitization process will require a lot of
One of the challenges in e-commerce is the trust of consumers. Trust and ecommece
can be interpreted in general as an image (image) of what is seen and offered when there
has been an agreement or transaction, where the product offered is in accordance with the
wishes of the customer when the product reaches the customer's hands. One of the important
roles in running an e-commerce business is the transparency of systems and technology that
is always updated in real time when the transaction process occurs with the seller. With a
transparent system and technology that updates real time, it can further strengthen the trust
Human Resource Management In Special Education
of customers. For this reason, one of the means of building relationships with customers in
running an e-commerce business is honesty and openness in order to gain trust from the
3. Marketplace as a Sustanable Business Strategy
The use of technology in the economic sector is the use of marketplaces in the MSME
business sector . Among its uses is e-commerce as an innovation solution in maintaining
business sustainability. The rapidly growing number of internet users in 2017 makes a
benchmark for business potential for companies in marketing products through digital
channels to reach a wider market in 2018. Of the 143.26 million Indonesians who access the
internet, 44.16% use mobile devices, 0.65% use computers/laptops and from these data it is
found that user behavior when accessing electronic sales provider sites is the most on three
types of products such as apparel by 45.8%, clothing accessories by 10.9%, shoes by 6.7%.
E-commerce plays an active role in maintaining the level of demand for goods and
services, cutting promotional costs, expanding the market at a new market level to cut
distribution channels so that an increase in revenue from the organization is expected. The
potential of e-commerce in Indonesia is actually projected to continue to increase, from
2017 which was recorded at US $ 6.57 which means there is economic growth of 0.712%,
and increased in 2018 as much as US $ 7.58.
One of the advantages of using a marketplace compared to selling conventionally is
that it can cut distribution channels shorter. With the trimming of distribution channels in
the marketplace, MSME players are able to make efficiency and be able to increase
productivity. Especially for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that have limited
capital, they can directly deal with factories or providers of raw material needs or can
directly sell their products directly to end consumers. Some features that must be present in
the application of marketplace technology are:
a. Ubiquity, businesses must strive to change the structure of the industry by creating new
marketing channels or strategies and expanding overall market coverage. One of them
can be by creating product diversification, making efficiency in industrial operations by
reducing the company's sales operation costs.
b. Global reach by preparing content to expand market coverage so that it can be accessed
not only in one particular area but can be accessed everywhere. The first step can be to
adjust the standard to become more general (universal standard).
c. Diverse and interactive application features (richness &; interactive) e-commerce
applications are not only limited to product sales but also must be able to answer the
needs of users and be able to carry out a good communication process with users, and if
necessary be able to reach good after-sales product service with consumers.
d. Having the ability to form a community of users of products and services, either
integrated through the site or through social media (social technologies), subscriptions to
the latest news, and promotions via email is expected to create a good impression of the
products and services sold.
Human Resource Management In Special Education
e. Good interface (graphic user interface). The interface in the form of product and logo
arrangement as well as color selection, and attractive graphics are believed to make the
e-commerce application more attractive to consumers.
f. The application must be compatible with the browser variant used or compatible with the
access media used, for example through a personal computer. laptop or accessed via
personal mobile phone.
Based on SWOT analysis, the results obtained that the marketplace as a sustainable
business strategy is:
a. Strength
1) Able to adapt and have high endurance in the competitive market, so that
2) become capital for MSMEs to become major actors in the digital economy
3) Government Program Making Indonesia 5.0
4) The use of digital technology makes MSMEs more competitive
5) Many of the facilities provided are related to digitalization
b. Chance
1) Increase in revenue if using digital technology
2) The development of digital technology increases access to new customers both
domestically and abroad
3) Ease of accessing digital markets
4) Consumers who use MSME products prefer online transactions
5) In the ASEAN free market (AEC) era, MSMEs can expand regional markets
c. Debilitation
1) Many MSME human resources are not yet skilled in the field of internet and online
2) Limited knowledge from MSMEs
3) Most MSMEs are in rural areas, broadband access that does not reach all of Indonesia
4) Most MSMEs are in rural areas, so internet access is limited
5) There are still many who are not digital-literate
6) MSME empowerment is still carried out partially
d. Threats:
1) Many foreign MSMEs, as competitors are implementing digitalization
2) Likewise, in Indonesia, there are many players in the e-commerce market
3) Consumers have the convenience of switching (one-click) to competitors
There are still many consumers who consider security in online transactions
This research concluded that the use of technology in the economic sector is the use of
marketplaces in the MSME business sector. Among its uses is e-commerce as an innovation
solution in maintaining business sustainability. Because it has several advantages in the
application of marketplace technology thatcan be accessed everywhere (ubiquity), wide reach
(global reach), diverse and interactive application features (richness &; interactive), Have the
Human Resource Management In Special Education
ability to form a community of users of products and services, either integrated through the site
or through social media (social technologies), Good interface (graphic user interface),
Applications must be compatible (compatibility) to browser variants..
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Copyright holders:
Widia Ningsih (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0