Suci Kusuma Ningrum
were quite large. However, currently the disbursement process will be carried out by PT
Pos Indonesia.
In the case of target groups or target groups, PKH beneficiaries argue that they are
helped by the PKH assistance . However, according to them, PKH assistance has not been
able to optimally achieve its goals as contained in the Decree of the Minister of Social
Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1 of 2018. According to PKH recipients, the aid
has not been able to improve their standard of living. Furthermore, according to PKH
assistants, beneficiaries do not have the awareness to get out of the poverty chain, such
as the program objectives contained in the Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs of the
Republic of Indonesia No. 1 of 2018 article 2, namely creating behavior change and
independence of Beneficiary Families. Then in terms of the use of assistance, some
recipients who already feel they have met the needs of each component use the funds to
meet their daily needs.
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