Ni Made Ayu Gemuh Rasa Astiti, Komang Nita Wedaningsih, I Kadek Wira Parwata
Warmadewa University, Bali, Indonesia
The cattle industry in Indonesia is very important because it can provide an adequate supply
of meat for the community. However, the cattle industry in Indonesia still faces various
challenges, such as increasing production costs and low productivity. One way to overcome
these challenges is to feed cattle with technology. The purpose of this study was to identify
the effect of the physical composition of beef carcasses on the selling price of beef fed with
technological feed. This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data
were collected using observation and literature study techniques. The results showed that the
physical composition of cattle carcasses affects the selling price of beef. Cattle with heavier
carcasses and a higher percentage of meat tend to have a higher selling price. In addition,
cattle with a lower percentage of fat also tend to have a higher selling price. These findings
suggest that the use of feed technology can improve the physical composition of cattle
carcasses and increase the selling value of beef.
carcass; selling price; beef.
The cattle farming industry in Indonesia has a very important role in meeting the needs of the
community for beef. As a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, beef consumption
in Indonesia is quite high and continues to increase from year to year (Suryana et al., 2019). In addition,
beef also has important nutritional value for human health, beef contains high protein and is a good
source of animal protein for the body (Maiyena & Mawarnis, 2022). In addition, beef also contains
vitamin B12, which plays an important role in helping the production of red blood cells and maintaining
a healthy nervous system. Beef also contains iron, which helps in forming hemoglobin and improves
brain and nervous system function (Darma et al., 2019).
The existence of the cattle farming industry in Indonesia is very important in providing sufficient
meat supply to meet the needs of the community. In addition, the cattle breeding industry can also make
a significant economic contribution, both in terms of beef production and sales (Diwyanto & Priyanti,
2008). This is because beef is one of the important food ingredients for the people of Indonesia and is
the main ingredient in various traditional dishes. In addition, beef also has high economic value as a
raw material for the food and pharmaceutical industries. Therefore, the development of the cattle
breeding industry in Indonesia can make a significant and sustainable economic contribution to the
country (Smith et al., 2018). Thus, the development of the cattle farming industry in Indonesia needs to
continue to be carried out by taking into account aspects of animal health, farmer welfare, and
environmental sustainability.
However, the industry still faces various challenges, including increased production costs and
low productivity. This can lead to a decrease in the competitiveness of the cattle farming industry in the
global market and increase dependence on beef imports (Oktaviani et al., 2014). Therefore, efforts need
to be made to increase productivity and efficiency in the cattle breeding industry. One way to overcome
this challenge is to provide technological feed to cows.
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 6, June 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Livestock Business Development Strategy Beef Cattle In Indonesia
Feed technology can increase productivity and efficiency in cattle farming, so as to reduce
production costs Syaiful & Agustin, (2019) and improve the quality of cow carcasses such as fat
percentage, meat percentage, and bone percentage (Khotijah et al., 2019). Some studies have also shown
that the use of technological feed can improve the quality of cow carcasses. A study conducted by Yakin
et al., (2012) shows that technological feeding of beef cattle can improve the quality of beef carcasses,
such as increasing meat percentage and bone percentage, and reducing fat percentage. The results of
this study show that technological feed can improve the quality of cow carcasses produced. A similar
study conducted by Gagaoua et al., (2016) showed that cows fed technological feed had a higher
percentage of meat and a lower percentage of fat than cattle fed traditional feed. The novelty of this
study is the existence of market research on the selling price of technology-fed beef, which has never
been done before. Based on the description of the problem, researchers are interested in conducting a
study entitled "Physical Composition of Carcass on the Selling Price of Beef". The purpose of this study
was to identify the effect of the physical composition of beef carcasses on the selling price of beef.
This study used a cutative method with a descriptive approach. According to Creswell, (2014)
qualitative research is a type of research that focuses on understanding and interpreting the phenomenon
under study through in-depth and detailed data collection. Data are collected through interviews,
observation, and document analysis, and research results are presented in narrative or descriptive form.
While the descriptive approach is a research approach used to describe and explain phenomena in detail
and systematically (Notoatmodjo, 2012).
Data was collected by observational techniques, direct measurements on cows fed with
technology, as well as literature studies obtained from books, journals and relevant information through
Google Schoolar. Data on the physical composition of the cow carcass include carcass weight,
percentage of meat, fat, bones and water. Meanwhile, beef selling price data was collected from the
beef market in the research area, namely Pemecutan Village, Badung Regency, Bali.
Technological feed is animal feed made using advanced technology and high quality raw
materials. In technological feed, the nutritional composition and energy content of feed have been
measured precisely according to the needs of cows to produce optimal productivity (Ramli et al., 2011).
In technological feed, feed ingredients such as corn, soybeans, fish, and bran have been mixed
proportionally and processed with high technology such as extruder and pelleting machine so that the
nutritional content in the feed becomes more stable and easily digested by cows. By providing
technological feed to cows, cows will get optimal nutrition so that their productivity and health can
Technological feed can increase productivity and efficiency in cattle farming because the feed is
designed to meet the nutritional needs of cows optimally and precisely. In technological feed, the
nutritional composition, content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are precisely
regulated and adapted to the needs of cows at each stage of development. With proper and measurable
feeding, cows can grow well and optimally, produce good carcass quality, and increase reproductive
productivity and overall cow health (Kusmartono et al., 2021).
In addition, the use of feed technology can also help reduce production costs and increase the
efficiency of cattle farming. With proper and measurable feeding, cows will grow faster and produce
better carcass quality, thereby reducing maintenance time and maintenance costs (Manalu, 2020). It can
also increase farmers' income from selling higher quality beef at higher prices. The research was
conducted in Pemecutan Village, Badung Regency. The location was chosen because there are farmers
who implement feed technology on their cattle farms. The use of technological feed is the feeding of
Livestock Business Development Strategy Beef Cattle In Indonesia
fermented feed made from a mixture of straw, bran, and vegetable waste fermented using certain
microorganisms. This feed has a better nutritional content and is more easily digested by cows, so it can
increase the growth and productivity of cows. In addition, technological feeds such as pellet feed
containing complete and balanced nutrition are also often used in cattle farms.
Technological feeding on cattle farms has shown that cows fed the feed have a better physical
composition of carcasses, such as a higher percentage of meat, a lower percentage of fat, and a better
percentage of bones, which is 55%, while cattle fed with traditional feed only have a percentage of meat
of 50%. In addition, cows fed with technology feed also have a lower percentage of fat, which is 10%,
while cows fed traditional feed have a percentage of fat of 15%. The percentage of cow bones fed with
technology is also better, which is 35%, while cows fed traditional feed only have a bone percentage of
Figure 1. Beef In Badung Market
Thus, the use of technological feed can improve the physical composition of beef carcasses which
has an impact on increasing the selling price of beef. This can certainly improve the quality of beef
produced and have an impact on higher selling prices. The quality of cows that have a high selling price
usually has several characteristics, including (F L Syaiful et al., 2020):
1. High quality carcass
Cows that have a good and healthy carcass with a high proportion of meat, little fat, and
sturdy bones have a higher selling price.
2. Ideal live weight
Cows with a live weight that conforms to the standard or ideal have a higher selling value.
The ideal weight of adult bulls is about 500-700 kg, while adult heifers are about 350-500 kg.
3. Ideal cow age
Cows sold at the right age have a higher selling price. Bulls are usually sold at the age of 18-
24 months, while heifers are sold at the age of 24-30 months.
4. Good state of health
Cows that are healthy, free from disease, and have good physical condition have a higher
selling point.
5. Types of cows in demand
Certain types of cattle, such as beef cattle or dairy cattle, have a higher selling price than
other types of cattle.
Livestock Business Development Strategy Beef Cattle In Indonesia
Figure 2. Beef composition
The use of technological feed in cows has been shown to improve the quality of bovine
carcasses by increasing the percentage of meat, decreasing the percentage of fat, and increasing the
percentage of bones. In addition, the use of feed technology can increase productivity and efficiency
in cattle farming, thereby reducing production costs. This positive impact is also seen in the selling
price of beef, a breakdown of the price comparison of beef fed with technology feed with those not
described in the following table.
Table 1. Beef/kilogram price comparison
Meat Section
Price of Feed Meat Technology
Price of ordinary feed meat
Lamusir Front
Rp 156.000
Rp 150.000
Has In
Rp 178.000
Rp 173.000
Has Outdoor
Rp 140.000
Rp 135.000
Meat Cover
Rp 120.000
Rp 115.000
Cape Meat
Rp 35.000
Rp 28.000
Hump meat
Rp 118.000
Rp 115.000
Rp 118.000
Rp 112.000
Rp 112.000
Rp 96.000
Rib Meat
Rp 87.500
Rp 84.000
Sancan Meat
Rp 160.000
Rp 155.000
Meat Sengkel
Rp 112.000
Rp 104.000
Coconut Meat
Rp 175.000
Rp 168.000
Rp 68.000
Rp 65.000
Gandik Meat
Rp 149.000
Rp 135.000
Technological feeding of cows can affect the physical composition of the cow carcass, such as
the percentage of fat, percentage of meat, and percentage of bones which ultimately affects the selling
price of beef. Based on the results of the study, cows fed with technological feed have a better physical
composition of carcass and a higher selling price of beef compared to cows fed regular feed. Therefore,
technological feeding can be an effective alternative in improving the quality and selling price of beef.
This can have a positive impact on farmers in increasing cattle productivity and increasing income from
beef sales.
Livestock Business Development Strategy Beef Cattle In Indonesia
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Copyright holders:
Ni Made Ayu Gemuh Rasa Astiti, Komang Nita Wedaningsih, I Kadek Wira Parwata (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International