time, distance and ways of communicating (Dimas, 2020). Internet media that are now
popularly used for product marketing include, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and other social
media. The benefits obtained by digital marketing in addition to being able to reach a wider
market and streamline marketing costs, also make unlimited marketing space and time. In
addition, digital marketing is real time so that entrepreneurs can immediately pay attention to
interest and feedback from the intended market, and can decide on adjustment strategies related
to advertising content for better results with more.
Profitability is a measure used by companies in generating profits. A high profit value
can show that the company or business actors use all their capital in generating high profits
(Wardani, 2021). Internet media that are now popularly used for product marketing include,
Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and other social media. The benefits obtained by digital
marketing in addition to being able to reach a wider market and streamline marketing costs,
also make unlimited marketing space and time. In addition, digital marketing is real time so
that entrepreneurs can immediately pay attention to interest and feedback from the intended
market, and can decide on adjustment strategies related to advertising content for better results
with more. Profitability is a measure used by companies in generating profits. A high profit
value can show that the company or business actors use all their capital in generating high
The approach in this study uses quantitative which is causative. Quantitative research is
the process of finding knowledge using data in the form of numbers in the form of tools in the
form of analytical tools in the form of information about what you want to know. The
quantitative approach has the purpose of testing theories, establishing facts, providing
descriptive statistics, interpreting and forecasting the results (Sugiyono, 2019). The type of
research conducted in this study is survey research, which is an approach used in obtaining data
from certain places that are natural (not artificial), data obtained by researchers through the
distribution of questionnaires or questionnaires as research instruments (Sugiyono, 2019)
The type of data used is quantitative, that is, data in the form of numbers, quantitative
data is usually used as basic material for every problem that is statistical.
The primary data used in this study is questionnaire data distributed to respondents,
namely 50 MSME actors in Kupang City, Secondary data is data obtained from various written
sources such as literature, articles from newspapers, scientific writings, information or
publications from the internet that provide relevant information for researchers obtained from
literature research that relates to the problem under study. This research was conducted in 50
MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises) in Kupang City and the research time was June
2022. Population is all elements that will be used as a generalization area. The population
element is the entire object to be measured, which is the unit to be studied. In this case,
population is an area consisting of objects / subjects that have certain quantities and
characteristics that will be determined by the researcher studied and conclusions drawn
(Sugiyono, 2019). The subjects of this study are micro, small and medium enterprises
(MSMEs) in Kupang City. According to data from the Kupang City Cooperatives and SMEs
Office, the number of SMEs that have Criteria is 17,475.
The sample is part of the number and characteristics that the population has. In
determining the sample of this study, a type of purposive sampling method is used, because the