Saccharata Sturt) BARUNA VARIETIES
Wijaya, Achmad Faqih, Rafi Arya Pratama, Yusyri Amiruddin, Fierda Haadiytianingrum
Galih Mulyadi Firdaus
Faculty Of Agriculture Gunung Jati Swadaya University, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the effect of the combination of concentration and time of
spraying bioliquid organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of sweet corn plants (Zea mays
Var. saccharata Sturt) Baruna variety. The research was conducted in Tegalsari Village,
Plered District, Cirebon Regency from January to May 2023. The experimental method used
was using the experimental method with Group Random Design (RAK), consisting of 7
treatment combinations and repeated 4 times. Data analysis was carried out using fingerprints
and further tests with the Duncan Multiple Distance Test at the level of 5%. After that, a
Correlation Test was carried out with Product Moment t Test analysis between the growth
components and the yield of sweet corn plants. The results showed a real influence between
the concentration and time of spraying bioliquid organic fertilizer on plant height, number of
leaves aged 60 HST, stem diameter, length of husked cob, diameter of husked cob, weight of
cob per plant, and weight of husked cob per plot. The concentration of liquid organic fertilizer
5 ml/1 liter of water and spraying time of 14, 28, 42 HST showed the best effect on the weight
of cob per plot resulting in production of 15.60 kg/plot or equivalent to 17.33 tons/ha.
: Sweet corn; concentration and spraying time of bioliquid organic fertilizer; growth,
Corn actually comes from Mexico, Central America and has been consumed as a staple
food of Native Americans since 8000 years ago (Hopkins, 2008). In line with the growing
population growth in the era of globalization, the need for food is increasing. On the other
hand, high population growth, the need for land for settlement is getting wider, so that land that
was originally for clothing and food turned into residential land. Conditions like this must be
made a breakthrough in agricultural cultivation technology that can increase crop production
both in terms of quality and in terms of quantity (Syamsurizal & Sutoyo, 2023).
In Indonesia, sweet corn cultivation development is still limited to farmers with strong
capital who are able to apply intensive cultivation techniques. This limitation is caused by the
relatively expensive price of seeds, intensive irrigation and maintenance needs, low resistance
to pests and diseases and high fertilizer needs. The low level of productivity of sweet corn can
be caused by several factors, namely the recommended crop cultivation technology has not
been applied, climatic conditions that are sometimes unfavorable and low soil fertility so that
the nutrients / nutrients received by plants are insufficient. One of the efforts to increase sweet
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 7, July 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
The Effect Of The Combination Of Concentration And Spraying Time Bioliquid Organic Fertilizer
For Growth And Yield Sweet Corn Plant (Zea mays Var. saccharata sturt) Baruna Varieties
corn production can be taken by intensification, namely through improving the cultivation
system including the use of high-quality varieties and the application of fertilizers (Sumarni et
al., 2012).
Because corn plants are plants that require a lot of nutrients or fertilizers, the effort that
can be taken to make fertilization more effective and efficient is to spray fertilizer solutions
through the leaves and stems of plants. The use of bio-liquid organic fertilizers can save
inorganic fertilizers by up to 50% and productivity increases by 40% (Koutsouris, 2018).
According to Lingga, (2013), plant response to fertilization will increase if fertilizer is
applied according to the right dose, time, and method. When applying fertilizer in liquid form,
what needs to be considered is the concentration given, because each type of plant has a
different level of fertilizer solution needs. Before carrying out foliar spraying of fertilizer, the
concentration made must strictly follow the instructions in the packaging. If farmers make a
lower concentration than recommended, then to compensate foliar fertilizer spraying can be
accelerated or shortened the time interval (Busyra, 2010).
One of the liquid organic fertilizers (POC) that has been completely decomposed is Bio-
Extreme Liquid Organic Fertilizer, this POC is a Biofertilizer with a population of N-tethering
Microbes and P and K solvents in sufficient quantities. According to Fitriningtyas et al., (2019),
the use of Bio-Extrim at a dose of 5 ml / liter of water (3.5 bottle caps per 14-liter tank) on
sweet corn plants can provide better and maximum results. Spraying Bio-Extrim liquid
compound biofertilizer is sprayed at intervals of 2 weeks by spraying it on the soil or on the
plant parts (E. Fitriningtyas et al., 2017).
The experiment was carried out in Tegalsari Village, Plered District, Cirebon Regency
with an altitude of 150 m above sea level (asl), latosol soil type, clay soil texture, and crumb
soil structure. The trial will be conducted from January to May 2023.
The materials used for this experiment were Baruna variety sweet corn seeds, manure,
Urea fertilizer (46% N), NPK Phonska with (15% N, 15% P 2O5, 15% K2O, and 10% Sulfur),
insecticide Decis 2.5 EC, Marshal 25 ST, Furadan 3 G, and Bio-extreme bioliquid organic
The research method used is an experimental method using Group Random Design
(RAK). The treatment combination consists of 7 combinations and is repeated 4 times: A
(without bioliquid organic fertilizer), B (bioliquid organic fertilizer 5 ml/1 liter of water +
spraying 7, 21, 35 HST), C (bioliquid organic fertilizer 5 ml/1 liter of water + spraying 14,
28, 42 HST), D (bioliquid organic fertilizer 5 ml/1 liter of water + spraying 21, 35, 49 HST),
E (bioliquid organic fertilizer 10 ml/1 liter water + spraying 7, 21, 35 HST), F (bioliquid
organic fertilizer 10 ml/1 liter water + spraying 14, 28, 42 HST), G (bioliquid organic fertilizer
10 ml/1 liter water + spraying 21, 35, 49 HST).
Tillage 14 days before planting. After that, a map is made map according to the
predetermined layout. Plots are made of 28 plots, each test consists of 7 plots with a size of 3
m x 2.4 m, a distance between treatment plots of 0.3 m and a distance between repetitions of
0.5 m which serves for waterways and plant control. Planting is done by cutting 3 cm deep
with a planting distance of 60 cm x 30 cm, each planting hole is filled with 1 seed. The
fertilizers given are Urea (N 46%) with a dose of 150 kg / ha and NPK Phonska fertilizer (N
15 %, P 2O5 15 %, K2O 15 %, and Sulfur 10 %) with a dose of 250 kg / ha.
The parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, length of
cob, diameter of cob, and weight of cob per plant and per plot. Data analysis was carried out
using fingerprints and follow-up tests with the Duncan Multiple Distance Test at the level of
The Effect Of The Combination Of Concentration And Spraying Time Bioliquid Organic Fertilizer
For Growth And Yield Sweet Corn Plant (Zea mays Var. saccharata sturt) Baruna Varieties
5%. After that, a Correlation Test was carried out with Product Moment t Test analysis
between the growth components and the yield of sweet corn plants.
Plant Height
The results of variance analysis showed that the tested treatment had a significant effect
on plant height at the age of 50, 60 and 70 HST. Furthermore, the results of further tests using
the Duncan Test are presented in Table 1
Table 1.
Effect of Combination of Concentration and Spraying Time of Bioliquid Organic
Fertilizer on Plant Height Age 50, 60, 70 HST (cm)
Plant Height (cm) Age:
50 HST
60 HST
70 HST
A (without bioliquid organic fertilizer)
176.95 a
193.30 A
197.55 a
B (concentration 5 ml/1 liter of water + 7, 21, 35 HST)
191.05 a
201.70 b
207.90 b
C (concentration 5 ml/1 liter water + 14, 28, 42 HST)
200.55 b
209.85 c
213.95 C
D (concentration 5 ml/1 liter water + 21, 35, 49 HST)
178.80 A
197.15 a
199.55 A
E (concentration 10 ml/1 liter of water + 7, 21, 35 HST)
174.40 A
190.90 a
192.70 A
F (concentration 10 ml/1 liter water 14, 28, 42 HST)
172.70 A
189.95 A
190.90 a
G (concentration 10 ml/1 liter of water + 21, 35, 49
177.70 A
194.00 a
196.15 A
Remarks: The average number accompanied by the same letters in the same column,
shows no real difference based on the Duncan Multiple Distance Test at a real level of 5%.
Table 1 shows that the combination of concentration treatment and spraying time of
bioliquid organic fertilizer has a significant effect on plant height. The application of Bio-
Extrim bioliquid organic fertilizer with a concentration of 5 ml / 1 liter of water and spraying
aged 14, 28, 42 HST according to plant needs, so that it can increase nutrient absorption by
plants and then can improve plant growth, especially plant height. When applying organic
fertilizer in liquid form, what needs to be considered is the concentration given, because each
type of plant has a different level of solution needs. In addition, each type of fertilizer solution
has a different elemental content, so its effect on plant growth and development will be
different. The accuracy of the concentration and amount of nutrients needed from each type
of solution is important to know (Mansyur et al., 2021).
Number of leaves
The test results using F-Test through variety analysis showed that the tested treatment
had a significant effect on the number of leaves per plant at the age of 50, 60 and 70 HST.
Furthermore, the results of further tests using the Duncan Test are presented in Table 2
The Effect Of The Combination Of Concentration And Spraying Time Bioliquid Organic Fertilizer
For Growth And Yield Sweet Corn Plant (Zea mays Var. saccharata sturt) Baruna Varieties
Table 2.
Effect of Combination of Concentration and Spraying Time of Bioliquid Organic
Fertilizer on the Number of Leaves Age 50, 60, 70 HST (helai)
Number of Leaves (helai) Age:
50 HST
60 HST
70 HST
10.00 A
11.10 a
11.35 a
11.05 a
11.75 A
11.80 A
11.40 a
12.20 b
12.15 a
10.50 a
11.30 a
11.45 a
10.60 a
11.50 A
11.70 A
11.00 A
11.35 a
11.55 a
11.00 A
11.30 a
11.65 a
Remarks: The average number accompanied by the same letters in the same column,
shows no real difference based on the Duncan Multiple Distance Test at a real level of 5%.
The combination of concentration treatment and spraying time of bioliquid organic
fertilizer had a significant effect on leaf count at the age of 60 HST (Table 2). The concentration
of bioliquid organic fertilizer 5 ml / 1 liter of water hasmet the needs of macro and micro
nutrients needed by sweet corn plants which can increase the number of leaves in sweet corn
plants. With the addition of bio-liquid organic fertilizer more than 5 ml / 1 liter of water does
nothave a noticeable effecton the number of leaves, it can evenreduce the number of leaves.
inaccordance with the p of Abdul Rahmi and Jumiati (2017) that the application of bio-liquid
organic fertilizerUp to a certain concentration can increase plant yields, but if the bioliquid
organic fertilizer is applied with improper concentrations (excessive) it can inhibit growth and
reduce plant yields.
Rod Diameter
The results of the F-Test through variance analysis showed that the tested treatment had
a significant effect on plant stem diameter at the age of 50, 60 and 70 HST. Furthermore, the
results of further tests using the Duncan Test showed that the largest rod diameter was obtained
in a combination of 5 ml / l water concentration treatment given at 14, 28 and 42 HST. The test
results of the Duncan Test are presented in Table 3
Table 3.
Effect of Combination of Concentration and Spraying Time of Bioliquid Organic
Fertilizer on Stem Diameter Age 50, 60, 70 HST (cm)
Rod Diameter (cm) Age :
50 HST
50 HST
50 HST
A (without bioliquid organic fertilizer)
1.76 a
1.76 a
1.76 a
B (concentration 5 ml/1 liter of water + 7, 21, 35 HST)
1.93 b
1.93 b
1.93 b
C (concentration 5 ml/1 liter water + 14, 28, 42 HST)
2.07 c
2.07 c
2.07 c
D (concentration 5 ml/1 liter water + 21, 35, 49 HST)
1.90 b
1.90 b
1.90 b
E (concentration 10 ml/1 liter of water + 7, 21, 35 HST)
1.84 a
1.84 a
1.84 a
F (concentration 10 ml/1 liter water 14, 28, 42 HST)
1.80 A
1.80 A
1.80 A
G (concentration 10 ml/1 liter of water + 21, 35, 49 HST)
1.78 a
1.78 a
1.78 a
Remarks: The average number accompanied by the same letters in the same column,
shows no real difference based on the Duncan Multiple Distance Test at a real level of 5%.
The Effect Of The Combination Of Concentration And Spraying Time Bioliquid Organic Fertilizer
For Growth And Yield Sweet Corn Plant (Zea mays Var. saccharata sturt) Baruna Varieties
Table 3 shows that the combination of concentration treatment and spraying time of
bioliquid organic fertilizer has a significant effect on stem diameters aged 50, 60, and 70
HST. The application of bioliquid organic fertilizer to sweet corn plants is expected to
accelerate the synthesis of amino acids and proteins so as to accelerate plant growth. This is
in accordance with the opinion of Sudjana, (2014) and Miftakhurrohmat, (2019) who said
that bioliquid organic fertilizer contains potassium elements which play an important role in
every plant metabolic process, namely in the synthesis of amino acids and proteins from
ammonium ions and play a role in maintaining turgor pressure properly so as to allow smooth
metabolic processes and ensure the continuity of cell elongation.
Cob Length
The length of the cob shows differences due to different concentration treatments and
administration times. Duncan's test showed that the length of the cob was best obtained in a
combination of 5 ml/l water concentration treatment given at 14, 28 and 42 HST. The results
of the cob length test using the Duncan Test are presented in Table 4
Table 4.
The Effect of the Combination of Concentration and Spraying Time of Bioliquid
Organic Fertilizer on the Length of the Cob (cm)
Husked Cob
Length (cm)
A (without bioliquid organic fertilizer)
24.40 A
B (concentration 5 ml/1 liter of water + 7, 21, 35 HST)
25.40 a
C (concentration 5 ml/1 liter water + 14, 28, 42 HST)
27.70 C
D (concentration 5 ml/1 liter water + 21, 35, 49 HST)
25.75 a
E (concentration 10 ml/1 liter of water + 7, 21, 35 HST)
25.90 a
F (concentration 10 ml/1 liter water 14, 28, 42 HST)
26.25 b
G (concentration 10 ml/1 liter of water + 21, 35, 49 HST)
25.45 a
Remarks: The average number accompanied by the same letters in the same column,
shows no real difference based on the Duncan Multiple Distance Test at a real level of 5%.
The combination of concentration treatment and spraying time of bioliquid organic
fertilizer had a significant effect on the length of the cob (Table 4). Application of bio-liquid
organic fertilizer with the right dose and spraying time can increase the length of the cob. As
stated by Nugroho, (2012), that in spraying bioliquid organic fertilizer there are several things
that need to be considered, namely in addition to the type of bioliquid organic fertilizer used,
the nutrient content of bioliquid organic fertilizer and the concentration of the solution given,
as well as the time of spraying. Explained by Mansyur et al., (2021) that plant needs for various
nutrients during growth and development are not the same, require different time and not the
Cob Diameter
Furthermore, the effect of the combination of concentration treatment and spraying time
of bioliquid organic fertilizer on the diameter of the cob is presented in Table 5. Where the
combination of concentration treatment and spraying time of bioliquid organic fertilizer has
a significant effect on the diameter of the cob. Bio-Extrim bioliquid organic fertilizer with a
concentration of 5 ml / 1 liter of water and spraying aged 14, 28, 42 HST inaccordance with
brochures canincrease the diameter of the cob in sweet corn plants.
The Effect Of The Combination Of Concentration And Spraying Time Bioliquid Organic Fertilizer
For Growth And Yield Sweet Corn Plant (Zea mays Var. saccharata sturt) Baruna Varieties
Table 5.
Effect of Combination of Concentration and Spraying Time of Bioliquid Organic
Fertilizer on the Diameter of the Cob (cm)
Husked Cob
Diameter (cm)
A (without bioliquid organic fertilizer)
5.18 a
B (concentration 5 ml/1 liter of water + 7, 21, 35 HST)
5.32 a
C (concentration 5 ml/1 liter water + 14, 28, 42 HST)
5.94 C
D (concentration 5 ml/1 liter water + 21, 35, 49 HST)
5.45 a
E (concentration 10 ml/1 liter of water + 7, 21, 35 HST)
5.54 b
F (concentration 10 ml/1 liter water 14, 28, 42 HST)
5.43 a
G (concentration 10 ml/1 liter of water + 21, 35, 49 HST)
5.47 a
Remarks: The average number accompanied by the same letters in the same column,
shows no real difference based on the Duncan Multiple Distance Test at a real level of 5%.
According to Lingga, (2013), before spraying bioliquid organic fertilizer, the
concentration made must strictly follow the instructions in the packaging. One type of foliar
fertilizer that contains macro nutrients and micronutrients is Bio-Extreme bioliquid organic
fertilizer. The application of liquid organic fertilizer can improve growth, accelerate harvest,
extend the production period or life, and can increase plant yields (Wayan Supadno, 2012).
Weight of husked cob per plant
Table 6.
The Effect of the Combination of Concentration and Spraying Time of Bioliquid
Organic Fertilizer on the Weight of Cobs Per Plant (g)
Husked Cob Weight
per Plant (kg)
A (without bioliquid organic fertilizer)
0.36 a
B (concentration 5 ml/1 liter of water + 7, 21, 35 HST)
0.39 a
C (concentration 5 ml/1 liter water + 14, 28, 42 HST)
0.46 b
D (concentration 5 ml/1 liter water + 21, 35, 49 HST)
0.43 b
E (concentration 10 ml/1 liter of water + 7, 21, 35 HST)
0.44 b
F (concentration 10 ml/1 liter water 14, 28, 42 HST)
0.41 a
G (concentration 10 ml/1 liter of water + 21, 35, 49 HST)
0.38 a
Remarks: The average number accompanied by the same letters in the same column,
shows no real difference based on the Duncan Multiple Distance Test at a real level of 5%.
Weight of husked cob per plot
The Effect Of The Combination Of Concentration And Spraying Time Bioliquid Organic Fertilizer
For Growth And Yield Sweet Corn Plant (Zea mays Var. saccharata sturt) Baruna Varieties
Table 7.
Effect of Combined Concentration and Spraying Time of Bioliquid Organic Fertilizer
on Cob Weight Per Plot (kg)
Husked Cob Weight
per Plot (kg)
A (without bioliquid organic fertilizer)
12.63 a
B (concentration 5 ml/1 liter of water + 7, 21, 35 HST)
12.80 A
C (concentration 5 ml/1 liter water + 14, 28, 42 HST)
15.60 C
D (concentration 5 ml/1 liter water + 21, 35, 49 HST)
14.10 b
E (concentration 10 ml/1 liter of water + 7, 21, 35 HST)
11.93 a
F (concentration 10 ml/1 liter water 14, 28, 42 HST)
11.13 a
G (concentration 10 ml/1 liter of water + 21, 35, 49 HST)
12.88 a
Remarks: The average number accompanied by the same letters in the same column,
shows no real difference based on the Duncan Multiple Distance Test at a real level of 5%.
The effect of the combined treatment concentration and spraying time of bioliquid
organic fertilizer on the weight of cobs per plot is presented in Table 7. The combination of
concentration treatment and spraying time of bioliquid organic fertilizer has a significant effect
on the weight of cobs per plot. At the recommended dose can provide sufficient nutrients
according to the needs and development. Dwidjoseputro, (2020)stated that plants will grow
well if the nutrients provided are in a balanced amount and in accordance with plant needs. In
addition, at this dose it can meet better nutrients for the growth of corn plants. In line with this,
(Maruli, 2014) stated that with the increase in P absorption in plants, plant growth becomes
good, so that it can provide maximum results.
Analysis of the Correlation Between Growth and Yield Components
A clear correlation between plant height and cob weight per plot was found in plants
aged 50, 60, and 70 HST (Table 8). The use of bio-liquid organic fertilizers can help the
vegetative phase, namely plant height growth, and the generative phase, namely the formation
of cobs. This is in accordance with the results of research by the Agricultural Research and
Development Agency that bioliquid organic fertilizer has the benefit of increasing the
availability of macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S) and micronutrients (Mn, Mo, Fe, Cu,
Co, and B) for plants that are useful for the growth and development of sweet corn plants
(Momsen, 2019).
Table 8.
Results of the Correlation Analysis Between Plant Height and Weight of Cobs per Plot
Plant Height
50 HST
60 HST
70 HST
R value
Category r
Medium Correlation
High Correlation
High Correlation
R² value
Value of t
Value t₀,₀₂₅₍
An intangible correlation between the number of leaves and the weight of cobs per plot
was found at the age of 50 HST plants (Table 9).
The Effect Of The Combination Of Concentration And Spraying Time Bioliquid Organic Fertilizer
For Growth And Yield Sweet Corn Plant (Zea mays Var. saccharata sturt) Baruna Varieties
Table 9.
Results of the Correlation Analysis Between the Number of Leaves and the Weight of
Cobs per Plot
Number of leaves
50 HST
60 HST
70 HST
R value
Category r
Low correlation
Medium Correlation
Medium Correlation
R² value
Value of t
Value t₀,₀₂₅₍
A noticeable correlation between the number of leaves and the weight of cobs per plot
was found in plants aged 60 and 70 HST. This is because the more leaves there are on the plant
will make more and more photosynthesis processes occur. Marschner (1986 ) in (Maulana et
al., 2017) suggests that nutrient absorption is carried out through leaves, namely in stomata.
Table 10.
Results of Correlation Analysis Between Rod Diameter and Weight of Husked Cob per
Rod Diameter
50 HST
60 HST
70 HST
R value
Category r
Medium Correlation
Medium Correlation
Medium Correlation
R² value
Value of t
Value t₀,₀₂₅₍
Table 10 shows that there is a significant correlation between stem diameter and cob
weight per plot at plant ages 50, 60, and 70 HST, this shows that the larger the diameter of
sweet corn stalks will increase the weight of cob per plot.
Thus, it can be concluded that plant height, number of leaves 60 and 70 HST, and stem
diameter are indications of an increase in the yield of cobs per plot. Thus, the higher the number
of leaves of 60 and 70 HST, plant height, and stem diameter will further increase the production
of sweet corn cobs.
The combination of concentration and spraying time of Bio-Extrim bioliquid organic
fertilizer has a significant effect on the parameters of average plant height, number of leaves
aged 60 HST, stem diameter, length of husked cob, diameter of husked cob, weight of cob per
plant, and weight of husked cob per plot. Concentration Bio-Extrim bioliquid organic fertilizer
5 ml/1 liter of water and spraying time of 14, 28, 42 HST showed the best effect on cob weight
per plot which produces production of 15.60 kg / plot or equivalent to 17.33 tons / ha. There
was a marked correlation between plant height (ages 50, 60, and 70 HST), number of leaves
The Effect Of The Combination Of Concentration And Spraying Time Bioliquid Organic Fertilizer
For Growth And Yield Sweet Corn Plant (Zea mays Var. saccharata sturt) Baruna Varieties
(ages 60 and 70 HST), and stem diameter (ages 50, 60, and 70 HST) with weight of husked
cobs per plot.
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Copyright holders:
Wijaya, Achmad Faqih, Rafi Arya Pratama, Yusri Amirudin, Fierda
Haadiytianingrum Galih Mulyadi Firdaus (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0