as considerations in making decisions to buy. The term consumer behavior refers to the
behavior exhibited by consumers in searching, buying, using, evaluating, and spending goods
and service products that they hope will satisfy their needs (Musay, 2013).
In fact, at the research site, the increasing population makes people's consumption of
chicken meat increase. Another factor that causes the increase in consumption of chicken meat
is people's purchasing power and public awareness of the importance of animal protein
nutrition consumption is getting higher. If you look carefully, in the research area of the lower
middle and upper middle class, on average they choose to consume chicken meat compared to
other types of meat available in the Sunday market. Based on the description above, researchers
are interested in conducting research on the analysis of consumer preferences in buying broiler
chicken meat at the traditional market, Pasar Minggu, Palimanan District, Cirebon Regency.
The objectives of this study are: (1) To find out what broiler chicken meat is the consumer
purchase preference in the traditional market of the Sunday market of Cirebon regency. (2) To
find out which preferences consumers consider most in the decision to buy broiler chicken
meat at the traditional market, Sunday market, Cirebon regency.
The preference in this study is a consumer preference in choosing to consume chicken
meat. In this study, consumption preferences explained that in general consumers show
extraordinary pleasure (fanatics) to consume chicken meat.
The results of Aiman et al., (2017), stated that the results of the study showed that
processed fishery products that became consumer preferences in the Cikurubuk Traditional
Market were fish balls. The things that respondents most consider in choosing fish products,
fish balls, and fish brains in a row from the most considered to the less considered are the same,
namely: taste, price, product color, type of packaging, and packaging color. While the most
considered attributes are shown by the results of chi square analysis calculations. The attributes
of pindang ikan tongkol products that consumers consider in purchasing decisions include:
brown packaging color, type of woven bamboo packaging, natural product color, original taste
and with prices ranging from Rp. 5,000 to Rp. 10,000, - per 250 grams.
The results of Priyambodo et al., (2020), show that all the attributes studied differ very
markedly in the level of 99% confidence which means there are differences in consumer
preferences for the attributes in broiler chicken meat. Broiler chicken meat that is the preference
of consumers in the traditional market of Denpasar city is broiler chicken meat that has a
yellowish-white carcass color, clean skin, fresh meat smell, intact bone condition, fresh meat,
breast meat, and meat sizes weighing between 1.1 kg to 1.5 kg. Based on Fishbein's
Multiattribute analysis, it is known that broiler chicken meat that consumers consider in their
decision to buy brooiler chicken meat in the traditional market of Denpasar city from the most
considered to the less considered in a row is the carcass meat part, meat smell, meat freshness,
skin hygiene, bone condition, and broiler chicken carcass size.
The results of Kampar & District, (2018) show that the potential segment of broiler
chicken meat consumers is women aged 30-40 years, has a family of 3-5 people, high school
education level (SMA) or equivalent and has a job as a farmer. The attributes of chicken meat
that consumers like are affordable meat prices, negotiable prices, high nutritional content, meat
hygiene, aroma, fresh color and chewy and not mushy texture of broiler chicken meat. While
the factors that affect the amount of broiler chicken meat consumption are the price of broiler
chicken meat, the number of family members and the price of other meat. The income factor
does not affect consumption, where the number of family members and other meat prices have
a positive effect on the amount of broiler chicken meat consumption. To find out the attributes
of chicken meat that are consumer preferences, analysis can be carried out using Chi square
aimed at determining whether there are differences in chicken meat consumer preferences and