Achmad Faqih, Siti Aisyah, Hanif Farihin Sya’bani, Rifki Ahmad Ramadhan,
Taufik Rahman Darmadi, Panji Maulana Yusuf
Faculty Of Agriculture Gunung Jati Swadaya University, Indonesia
In general, consumers in buying a product are closely related to the attributes attached to the
product concerned. This is because these attributes will cause preference. Therefore,
knowledge of attributes and preferences becomes very important, especially for
manufacturers or traders. This study aims to: 1) find out the attributes of chicken meat that
are consumer preferences and 2) find out the attributes that consumers consider most in buying
broiler chicken meat. The research design used in this study was using quantitative descriptive
methods with survey research methods. The population used is consumers who buy broiler
chicken meat at the Pasar Minggu Traditional Market, Palimanan District, Cirebon Regency.
The attributes studied in broiler chicken meat are the price of meat, meat parts, meat texture,
and meat color. The number of samples used was 100 respondents with a sampling technique
using accidental sampling. The study was conducted in July-August 2022. Data analysis
techniques using chi square test and fishbein multiattribute analysis. The results showed that
1) there are differences in consumer preferences for the attributes that exist in broiler chicken
meat. The attributes of broiler chicken meat that become consumer preferences are the price
of meat, meat parts, meat texture, and meat color. The attributes of broiler chicken meat that
consumers like are the price of meat IDR 30.000.-, the broiler chicken meat part is breast, the
texture of broiler chicken meat is chewy texture, and the color of broiler chicken meat is
yellowish white, 2) the attributes most considered by consumers in buying broiler chicken
meat consecutively ranging from the highest to the lowest are the price of meat, meat color,
texture of meat, and parts of meat.
Ke ywords
: Attributes, Consumers, Preferences, Broiler Meat
Livestock business has an important meaning for the socio-economic life of some
Indonesian people. Livestock is one of the sub-sectors in the agricultural sector, livestock
business is spread from villages to big cities in terms of providing food for the community
where the food is to meet the needs of the community itself. Humans in their efforts to meet
the need for food not only in terms of basic needs such as rice, vegetables, corn, tubers, but
also need the fulfillment of nutrition, especially those containing high protein both from
animals and vegetables, one of which comes from broiler chicken meat.
Chicken meat is an animal food that is very popular with the public because of the
delicious, nutritious, and affordable taste of meat. The advantages of chicken meat as a
consumption material have led to a high preference from the public compared to other meats.
There are various types of chicken meat consumed by the public including Non-Perebred
Chicken, Broiler Chicken, and Laying Pullet Chicken. People in consuming chicken meat
always choose between the three types of chicken meat available in the market. The difference
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 7, July 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Analysis Of Consumer Preferences In Buying Broiler Chicken Meat
in terms of taste and price is one of the considerations of the community in consuming chicken
meat and one of the most popular chicken meat is broiler chicken.
Chicken commodities have very good market prospects because they are supported by
the characteristics of poultry products that are acceptable to the public, relatively cheap prices
with easy access because they are public goods and are the main driver of national animal
protein supply. The price of broiler chickens in the district can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1.
Average Price of Consumer Level Broiler Chicken Meat in Cirebon Regency in 2017
Source : Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Ministry of Agriculture of the
Republic of Indonesia 2021
Based on the table above, it shows that the average price of broiler chicken meat has
increased every year, the highest price reaching Rp. 33,646,- in 2021. The increase in broiler
chicken meat prices is influenced by the level of consumption and also the needs of the
community, therefore it can be ascertained that broiler chicken meat production is also
Broiler chicken meat is a superior food commodity before chicken meat has many uses and
benefits to support human nutritional needs. Chicken meat can be consumed and accepted by
all groups of society and religion as food that has high nutritional value.
Cirebon Regency is one of the largest chicken meat consumers in West Java Province
and there are many chicken farms spread across various regions in Cirebon Regency in meeting
the meat needs of the people of Cirebon Regency. According to Sumarwan, (2014) consumer
behavior will be closely related to product attributes. Product attributes are characteristics of a
product that consumers consider in buying a product where these attributes are used as
consumer references in buying. Consumer preferences can be broadly interpreted as choices
for something that is preferred by consumers. Consumer preference measures the level of
consumer liking for a product compared to other products. Consumers will consider many
things in determining the consumption they will choose and this process does not just happen.
The success of the manufacturer in introducing its product will depend on the level of
acceptance and liking for the product.
According to Fauzi & Wijaya, (2021) consumer preference is whether or not someone
likes the product (goods or services) consumed. Understanding consumer preferences aims to
continue existing marketing strategies on an ongoing basis so that goods or services sold or
marketed remain in demand by consumers.
Pasar Minggu traditional market located in Palimanan sub-district is one of the largest
markets in Cirebon Regency whose average operating period is from dawn to noon or evening,
there are many sellers of meat, vegetables and so on, every day there are no idle sellers, there
are always many consumers who enliven the goods or products they sell, One of them is a
chicken meat trader who sometimes sells out every day when the afternoon time is approaching
evening. Consumers have different characteristics that make the decision to buy chicken meat
varied. Consumers pay attention to various attributes inherent in chicken meat which are used
Analysis Of Consumer Preferences In Buying Broiler Chicken Meat
as considerations in making decisions to buy. The term consumer behavior refers to the
behavior exhibited by consumers in searching, buying, using, evaluating, and spending goods
and service products that they hope will satisfy their needs (Musay, 2013).
In fact, at the research site, the increasing population makes people's consumption of
chicken meat increase. Another factor that causes the increase in consumption of chicken meat
is people's purchasing power and public awareness of the importance of animal protein
nutrition consumption is getting higher. If you look carefully, in the research area of the lower
middle and upper middle class, on average they choose to consume chicken meat compared to
other types of meat available in the Sunday market. Based on the description above, researchers
are interested in conducting research on the analysis of consumer preferences in buying broiler
chicken meat at the traditional market, Pasar Minggu, Palimanan District, Cirebon Regency.
The objectives of this study are: (1) To find out what broiler chicken meat is the consumer
purchase preference in the traditional market of the Sunday market of Cirebon regency. (2) To
find out which preferences consumers consider most in the decision to buy broiler chicken
meat at the traditional market, Sunday market, Cirebon regency.
The preference in this study is a consumer preference in choosing to consume chicken
meat. In this study, consumption preferences explained that in general consumers show
extraordinary pleasure (fanatics) to consume chicken meat.
The results of Aiman et al., (2017), stated that the results of the study showed that
processed fishery products that became consumer preferences in the Cikurubuk Traditional
Market were fish balls. The things that respondents most consider in choosing fish products,
fish balls, and fish brains in a row from the most considered to the less considered are the same,
namely: taste, price, product color, type of packaging, and packaging color. While the most
considered attributes are shown by the results of chi square analysis calculations. The attributes
of pindang ikan tongkol products that consumers consider in purchasing decisions include:
brown packaging color, type of woven bamboo packaging, natural product color, original taste
and with prices ranging from Rp. 5,000 to Rp. 10,000, - per 250 grams.
The results of Priyambodo et al., (2020), show that all the attributes studied differ very
markedly in the level of 99% confidence which means there are differences in consumer
preferences for the attributes in broiler chicken meat. Broiler chicken meat that is the preference
of consumers in the traditional market of Denpasar city is broiler chicken meat that has a
yellowish-white carcass color, clean skin, fresh meat smell, intact bone condition, fresh meat,
breast meat, and meat sizes weighing between 1.1 kg to 1.5 kg. Based on Fishbein's
Multiattribute analysis, it is known that broiler chicken meat that consumers consider in their
decision to buy brooiler chicken meat in the traditional market of Denpasar city from the most
considered to the less considered in a row is the carcass meat part, meat smell, meat freshness,
skin hygiene, bone condition, and broiler chicken carcass size.
The results of Kampar & District, (2018) show that the potential segment of broiler
chicken meat consumers is women aged 30-40 years, has a family of 3-5 people, high school
education level (SMA) or equivalent and has a job as a farmer. The attributes of chicken meat
that consumers like are affordable meat prices, negotiable prices, high nutritional content, meat
hygiene, aroma, fresh color and chewy and not mushy texture of broiler chicken meat. While
the factors that affect the amount of broiler chicken meat consumption are the price of broiler
chicken meat, the number of family members and the price of other meat. The income factor
does not affect consumption, where the number of family members and other meat prices have
a positive effect on the amount of broiler chicken meat consumption. To find out the attributes
of chicken meat that are consumer preferences, analysis can be carried out using Chi square
aimed at determining whether there are differences in chicken meat consumer preferences and
Analysis Of Consumer Preferences In Buying Broiler Chicken Meat
also to find out the attributes that are chicken meat consumer preferences. While the analysis
of consumer attitudes using Fishbein's Multiattribute analysis aims to find out the attributes
most considered by chicken meat consumers.
Based on the explanation above, the framework of thinking is as follows
Figure 1 Framework of Thought
This research was carried out from July to August 2022 at the traditional market,
Palimanan Sunday Market, Cirebon Regency. The object in this study is the consumer buyers
of chicken meat in Pasar Minggu Traditional Market. This research was conducted with the
consideration that Pasar Minggu is one of the chicken meat sales centers in the western part
of Cirebon Regency.
The research method used in this study is using descriptive quantitative research
methods. According to Sugiyono, (2015) the descriptive method is a method used to describe
or analyze a research result but is not used to make broader conclusions. The research
technique uses survey methods.
The population in this study is broiler chicken meat consumers who buy at Pasar
Minggu Traditional Market. The determination of respondents in this study used the acidental
sampling method. Acidental sampling is the taking or determination of samples taken by
chance or available . In this study, because the number of consumers was not identified, the
number of samples taken was 100 respondents. The criteria for the sample taken were chicken
meat consumers encountered by chance in the study area.
Data collection methods in this study consist of two types, namely primary data and
secondary data. Primary data is data obtained directly from respondents. In this study, primary
data were obtained from interviews with consumers using questionnaires or lists of questions
Analysis Of Consumer Preferences In Buying Broiler Chicken Meat
that had been prepared beforehand. Data collection was conducted directly with respondents
in the form of questions and answers. Secondary data is supporting data obtained by recording
and quoting from government institutions or related institutions such as the Livestock Service,
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Market Manager and obtained from previous
research journals related to this study used to measure what to measure and reliability test
means an instrument that when used several times to measure the same object, will produce
the same data (Sugiyono, 2015).
This study used two data analysis techniques, namely Chi square analysis, because chi
square analysis can be used to test significant differences in consumer preferences between
those observed from each expected category and Fishbein Multiattribute Analysis, because
this analysis technique is one of the well-known analytical techniques to measure attitudes
towards an object (Ghozali, 2016).
Pasar Minggu traditional market is the third largest market in Cirebon Regency after
plered market and ciledug market. The Sunday market traditional market located in Palimanan
District, Cirebon Regency is one of the traditional markets that provides basic needs and
consumption needs of the community such as clothing / clothing, vegetables, meat, and other
basic needs needed by the community. The market operation period is from morning before
dawn to noon and even in the afternoon, there are many sellers of meat, vegetables and so on,
every day there are no idle sellers, there are always many consumers who enliven the goods or
products they sell, one of which is chicken meat traders who sometimes sell out every day
when the afternoon time is late in the afternoon.
Chi Square Analysis
According to Kotler & Keller, (2009), consumer preference is defined as the choice of
likes or dislikes by someone towards the product or service consumed. Consumer choice shows
consumer preferences from various product choices available. Consumer preference for broiler
chicken meat can be known by looking at consumer evaluations of the attributes inherent in
broiler chicken meat and its categories. These attributes are the price of broiler chicken meat,
broiler chicken meat parts, broiler chicken meat texture, and broiler chicken meat color. The
results of Chi-square analysis for broiler meat attributes are shown in Table 3 below :
Table 2. Chi Square Analysis Results of Broiler Chicken Meat Attributes
Meat attributes of broiler chickens
Meat Price
There Are Differences
Meat Section
There Are Differences
Meat Texture
There Are Differences
Meat color
There Are Differences
Source : Primary Data Analysis, 2022.
The results of Chi Square Analysis in Table 3 show that all attributes of broiler chicken
meat including meat price, meat part, meat texture, and meat color differ markedly at a level
of significance of 5% and a confidence level of 95% which means that the null hypothesis (Ho)
is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. According to Ammar Aiman (2016),
if the value of is calculated greater than table, then there are differences in preferences
contained in a product. That is, consumer preferences for broiler chicken meat in Pasar Minggu
traditional market with X² count greater than X² table then the preferences are not the same or
there are differences in preferences
Analysis Of Consumer Preferences In Buying Broiler Chicken Meat
Consumer preferences for the category of meat attributes of broiler chickens
From the results of the study, the category of broiler meat attributes that tend to be
chosen by consumers can be seen in the following Table 3
Table 3 Consumer preferences for the category of meat attributes of broiler chickens
Source : Primary Data Analysis, 2022
Based on Table 3, it is known that the attributes of broiler chicken meat that are
consumer preferences in Pasar Minggu traditional markets are meat prices of IDR 30,000, - the
meat part is breast, meat texture is chewy, and meat color is yellowish white.
Consumer preference is defined as the choice of likes or dislikes by a person towards the
product (goods or services) consumed. Consumer choice shows consumer preferences from
various product choices available (Fadillaha & Subchan, 2021). The price attribute of meat
preferred by consumers is IDR 30,000, - according to consumers the price of IDR 30,000, - is
the cheapest price consideration among other meat prices, namely IDR 34,000 and IDR
38,000,-. The attribute of the meat part that consumers like is the meat part, namely the breast,
consumers assume the breast is the part that has more meat and has fewer bones so that
consumers prefer the chest over other parts, namely the head, wings, thighs, and gizzard liver.
The meat texture attribute preferred by consumers is the chewy texture of meat, consumers
assume that chicken meat with a chewy texture is easy to process and more delicious for
consumption. The meat color attribute that consumers like is yellowish-white meat color,
consumers assume that yellowish-white meat color looks fresher than other meat colors,
namely pale white and reddish meat color.
Analisis Multiatribut Fishbein
Fishbein's attitude model will principally calculate Ao (attitude toward the object), which
is a person's attitude toward an object, known through the attributes attached to the object. By
recognizing an object through seeing, touching, trying and using the object for a long time, a
Meat attributes of
broiler chickens
Broiler meat
Number of
se (%)
Meat Price
Rp 30.000,-
Harga Rp.
Rp 34.000,-
Rp 38000,-
Meat Section
Breast Meat
Meat Texture
Chewy Meat
Meat color
Yellowish White
Flesh color
Pale White
Analysis Of Consumer Preferences In Buying Broiler Chicken Meat
consumer will have a certain attitude towards the object used or used. Usually before
consumers consume an object, of course, they have an expectation of the object, so that after
seeing, trying, and using it, the consumer can assess whether the object concerned is in
accordance with his expectations (Simamora, 2018).
Respondents' assessment of the confidence level of broiler meat attribute performance in
this study was measured using fishbein multiattribute analysis techniques. This model includes
trust (bi), which is the strength of trust a product has attributes, so that consumers will express
confidence in the attributes of broiler chicken meat and the level of evaluation (ei) of these
Trust Level (bi)
Measurement of fishbein's multiattribute attitude towards broiler chicken meat attributes
assessed by consumers, namely meat price attributes, meat parts, meat texture, and meat color
The measurement of the level of confidence in this study was measured using a Likert scale
starting from the number 5 which means strongly agree, 4 agree, 3 hesitate, 2 disagree, and 1
strongly disagree. The level of confidence (bi) in the attributes of broiler chicken meat that
shows consumer assessment can be seen in Table 5 berikut :
Table 4. Consumer Confidence (BI) on the Attributes of Broiler Chicken Meat
Broiler Chicken Meat
Meat Price
Meat Section
Meat Texture
Meat color
Source : Primary Data Analysis, 2022
Table 4 shows that the overall confidence score (bi) of broiler meat attributes indicates
the agreeing category. The total overall score of the confidence level of broiler meat attributes
reached 16.83. The result of a high level of trust in attributes, so it will be the main
consideration for consumers to buy broiler chicken meat.
Evaluation Level (ei)
The level of evaluation of broiler meat attributes is measured using a Likert scale
starting from the number 5 which means very important, 4 important, 3 neutral, 2 not
important, and 1 very unimportant. The level of evaluation (ei) of broiler meat attributes can
be seen in Table 6 below :
Table 5. Consumer Evaluation Rate (EI) of Broiler Meat Attributes
Broiler Chicken Meat
Meat Price
Meat Section
Meat Texture
Meat color
Source : Primary Data Analysis, 2022
Table 5 shows that consumers attach importance to the overall attributes of broiler meat.
The total overall score of broiler meat attributes, which is 16.31, is included in the Important
Analysis Of Consumer Preferences In Buying Broiler Chicken Meat
category. According to Suparman, (2016) determining the value of confidence (bi) and
evaluation value (ei) with scoring standards with a likert scale in each attribute category used
to measure a person's attitudes, opinions, and perceptions about social phenomena, the answers
to each item have a gradation from very positive to negative. Judging from each attribute of
trust and evaluation shows that each of these attributes is categorized as agreed and important,
thus the attributes of broiler chicken meat have a high level of trust and evaluation to be
considered by consumers in buying broiler chicken meat.
Analysis of consumer attitudes to the meat attributes of broiler chickens
The value of consumer attitudes towards broiler meat attributes is formed by an
assessment of the level of trust and importance of respondents to broiler meat attributes
Soeparno et al., (2018). Based on the trust score and evaluation, the analysis of attitudes
towards broiler meat attributes in Pasar Minggu traditional market can be seen in Table 6
Table 6. Consumer attitude to the meat attributes of broiler chickens
Attributes of chicken meat
Trust (bi)
Evaluation (ei)
Attitude (bi*ei)
Meat Price
Meat Section
Meat Texture
Meat color
Source : Primary Data Analysis, 2022
Table 6 shows the score of each consumer's attitude towards broiler meat attributes that
consumer attitudes have successive preferences ranging from highest to lowest. Consumer
attitudes are an important factor influencing consumer decisions. The concept of attitude is
closely related to the concept of trust and behavior, attitude is an expression of consumer
feelings about an object whether it is liked or not and can also describe consumer trust in
various attributes and benefits of the object (Soeparno et al., 2018).
Table 7. Rating of consumer attitudes to the meat attributes of broiler chickens
Daging Ayam Broiler
Meat Price
Meat Section
Meat Texture
Meat color
Source : Primary Data Analysis, 2022
Based on Table 8, it shows that the total attitude value of broiler meat attributes of 68.63
is included in the good category. This shows that the attributes of broiler chicken meat that
consumers buy at Pasar Minggu traditional market can be well received by consumers.
According to Nitisusastro, (2012), trust is part of an attitude that then affects individuals, trust
is a descriptive thought that someone has about something. Consumer attitudes towards broiler
meat attributes are categorized as good, meaning that consumers have confidence in the
attributes of chicken meat.
Analysis Of Consumer Preferences In Buying Broiler Chicken Meat
Descriptive analysis of consumer attitudes to the meat attributes of broiler chickens
First, the meat price attribute is an attribute considered by consumers. Price is one of the
important factors in a product, the price of broiler chicken meat which is always changing every
day makes price attributes the main consideration for consumers. Second, the color attribute of
meat is an attribute that is considered by consumers as well, in general consumers are interested
in a product starting with looking, therefore the color attribute of meat is an attribute that
consumers consider.
Third, the attribute considered in the third order is the texture attribute of meat. The
texture of the meat will influence purchasing decisions and the level of consumer satisfaction.
Consumers will generally choose a chewy meat texture with the consideration that the meat
can be processed easily and does not feel hard when consumed. Fourth, the attribute that
consumers consider in the last order is the meat part. The meat part is an attribute that is less
considered by consumers, rarely consumers who buy broiler chicken meat only choose meat
parts, the average consumer considers more attributes such as price, color, and texture of meat.
Research on chicken meat is in line and has similarities with the results of Pratama's
research in 2015 that, broiler chicken meat that is the preference of consumers in the traditional
market of Denpasar Regency is broiler chicken meat that has a yellowish-white carcass color,
breast meat, and meat size weighing between 1.1 to 1.5 kg. The results of Fishbein's
Multiattribute Analysis are known that broiler chicken meat that consumers consider in the
decision to buy broiler chicken meat in the traditional market of Denpasar Regency from the
most considered in a row is the carcass meat part, meat smell, meat freshness, skin hygiene,
bone condition, and broiler chicken carcass size. Research on chicken meat is in harmony and
has similarities with the results of Ilham's research in 2017 that, the attributes of chicken meat
that consumers like are affordable meat prices, negotiable prices, high nutritional content, meat
cleanliness, aroma, fresh color and texture of broiler chicken meat that is chewy and not
This research on chicken meat is in harmony and has similarities with the results of Filya
Hidayati's research in 2014 on beef that, the beef that is the preference of consumers in the
traditional market of Dharmasraya Regency is beef that is bright red, has little fat content, and
the upper part of the meat, while the attributes of beef that consumers consider successively
from the most considered to the less considered is the color of the meat, the meat part, and the
fat content.
Consumer attitudes are an important factor influencing consumer decisions. The concept
of attitude is closely related to the concept of trust and behavior, attitude is an expression of
consumer feelings about an object whether it is liked or not and can also describe consumer
trust in various attributes and benefits of the object (Fitriana, 2018).
The respondent's assessment of the broiler meat attribute is based on the respondent's
attitude towards the attribute. The assessment of broiler chicken meat attributes includes two
things, namely the assessment of confidence and the evaluation (evaluative) of the attributes of
broiler chicken meat and the assessment of multiattribute attitudes is with the fishbein model.
From the results of fishbein's multiattribute analysis, it is known that the attributes of broiler
chicken meat that are most considered by consumers in buying from the highest to the lowest
order are the price of meat, meat color, meat texture, and finally the meat part.
Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded as there are
differences in consumer preferences for broiler chicken meat attributes in the traditional
Analysis Of Consumer Preferences In Buying Broiler Chicken Meat
market, Sunday market, Palimanan District, Cirebon Regency. The attributes of broiler chicken
meat that become consumer preferences are the price attribute of meat IDR 30,000,-, the
chicken meat is the breast, the texture of chicken meat is chewy texture, and the color of
chicken meat is yellowish white.
The most considered attributes of consumers in buying broiler chicken meat at the
traditional market of the Sunday market Palimanan District, Cirebon Regency from the highest
to the lowest order are the price of meat which is IDR 30,000,- the color of the meat is yellowish
white, the texture of the meat is chewy, and the meat part is the breast meat part.
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Analysis Of Consumer Preferences In Buying Broiler Chicken Meat
Copyright holders:
Achmad Faqih, Siti Aisyah, Hanif Farihin Sya’bani, Rifki Ahmad Ramadhan,
Taufik Rahman Darmadi, Panji Maulana Yusuf (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0