indicators related to knowledge and behavior of hypertension (Sugiyono, 2018).
The questionnaire in this study was 34 questions, consisting of: 4 demographic questions,
30 questions from independent variables such as: Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of 15
questions each, with a checklist mark (√) on one of the answers available in the column, with
an ordinal scale with good, sufficient and less answers, positive and negative attitudes,
Data processing by editing to find out the completeness of the data obtained Hidayat,
(2011) followed by coding data to convert data from letters, into numbers on all questionnaires
Knowledge variables using the instrument of 15 questions by having the correct answer with a
value of 1, and the wrong answer given a value of 0. All answers will be added with the highest
total score of 15 points, and the value choked up to 0. For the determination of the category
researchers are assessed using scoring presentation methods such as: 1=Good if >80% with
SCOR 17-20 questions answered correctly by respondents. 2.= Enough if 60 – 80 % with scor
12-16 questions answered correctly by respondents. 3. Less when <60% with scor 0-11
questions answered correctly by respondents.
The attitude of respondents towards efforts to prevent dengue hemorrhagic fever using
the instrument of 15 statements includes 8 points of positive statements (numbers: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8,
10, 11, 12) the answer is scored 4 = strongly agree, 3 = agree, 2 = disagree and 1 = strongly
disagree, and 7 items negative statements (numbers: 2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 15), the answer is scored
1 = Strongly agree (SS), 2 = Agree (S), 3 = Disagree (TS), 4= Strongly Disagree (STS), with
the highest score 15 – 60 obtained from the number of questions multiplied by the highest
weight, and the lowest score 1-4 based on the answer score that has been given, so that highest
score for attitude performance is 4 and the lowest score is 1 with the calculation of the highest
number of scores divided by the number of categories (75/2=3.75) which are broken down into
2 categories, so it is said to be a positive attitude, if the total scor of the answers strongly agree
and agree ≥ 37.5. and Negative attitude if the total score of the answers disagree and strongly
disagree ≤ 37.5
Data were analyzed using computers which included univariate analysis, used to
determine the frequency distribution of each variable, by describing and summarizing the data
scientifically in the form of tables or graphs (Handayani, 2021). In this study the univaria
analyzed were demographic variables (age, gender, occupation, education), variables of
knowledge, attitudes and precautions.
Based on the results of the Univariate test showed that majority of respondents were in the
age group of 26-35 years.
This is in line with the theory developed by Sari et al., (2020) states that age can affect a
person's comprehension and mindset. As he gets older, the more his grasp and mindset develop,
so that knowledge he gains is getting better. At a young age, individuals will play a more active
role in society and social life and make more preparations for successful efforts to adjust to old
age, besides that young people will spend more time reading. Intellectual ability, problem-solving,