Interdiciplinary Journal and Hummanity (INJURITY) 2024-09-10T01:53:20+00:00 Pusat Publikasi [email protected] Open Journal Systems <h2>About the Journal</h2> <p align="justify"><strong>Interdiciplinary Journal and Hummanity</strong> is a double blind peer-reviewed academic journal and open access to multidisciplinary sciences. The journal is published monthly by Pusat Publikasi Nusantara collaboration with Universitas Esa Unggul.<br /><br />This journal publishes research articles covering multidisciplinary sciences, which includes: Humanities and social sciences, constitutional law, contemporary political science, Educational sciences, religious sciences and philosophy, economics, Engineering sciences, Health sciences, medical sciences, design arts sciences and media. Published articles are from critical and comprehensive research, studies or scientific studies on important and current issues or reviews of scientific books. This journal publishes research articles covering multidisciplinary.</p> <p><strong>Name: </strong>Interdiciplinary Journal and Hummanity<strong><br />E-ISSN : <a href="">2963-4113</a><br />P-ISSN : <a href="">2963-3397</a><br />DOI : <a href="">10.58631</a><br />Period : Monthly<br />Indexing and Abstracting : <a href=";query=injurity">EBSCO</a>, <a href=";hl=id">Google Scholar</a>, <a href="">Garuda</a>, <a href=";search_text=10.58631&amp;search_type=kws&amp;search_field=full_search">Dimensions</a>, <a href="">Copernicus,</a> <a href=";from_ui=yes&amp;page=2">Crossref</a> and others in progress<br />Publication Guidelines : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">COPE Guidelines</a><br />Publisher : </strong>Pusat Publikasi Nusantara<strong><br />Society/ Institution: </strong>Universitas Esa Unggul<strong><br /></strong><strong>1st Issues of Publication: </strong>2023</p> Millennials' Perception of Start-Up Company Culture: Engagement, Motivation and Loyalty Moderated Termination 2024-08-29T07:24:06+00:00 Fedrik Aldo Rico [email protected] <p>This study examines the impact of corporate culture, work engagement, and work motivation on the loyalty of millennial employees in startup companies. Additionally, the research investigates how termination of employment (layoffs) can influence the relationship between these factors and employee loyalty. Data was collected from 250 millennial employees working in middle-level positions at startup companies in Jakarta. The results show that a positive corporate culture, high work engagement, and strong work motivation contribute to increased employee loyalty. However, layoffs can diminish the positive effects of work engagement and work motivation on loyalty. This research provides valuable insights for startup companies to develop strategies for enhancing millennial employee loyalty, especially in the face of challenges like layoffs.</p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fedrik Aldo Rico Organizational Commitment as an Intervening Variable in the Effect of Empowerment, Incentives and Self Efficacy on Employee Performance 2024-09-05T07:12:09+00:00 Ni Luh Ayu Trisna Dewi [email protected] Ida Ayu Oka Martini [email protected] <p>Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) are an organization of government agencies operating in the field of public service with a unique context as well as regulations and policies on public service management. The high performance of officials is crucial to government agencies. Staff performance is a qualitative and quantitative measure of work performance and work outcomes based on the standard of work achieved by employees per unit of time in performing work in accordance with the assigned responsibilities. The study aims to look at the impact of empowerment, incentives, self-effectiveness, and organizational commitments on staff performance, the influence of empowering, incentive, and self effectiveness in relation to organization commitments, as well as the effect of empoverment, motivation, and Self-effictiveness on employee performance with the intervening variable of organizational engagement. This is a quantitative descriptive study, with respondents of 90 BKN employees, using questionnaires as a basis for data assumption as well as data analysis using SmartPLS software. The results of the analysis show that empowerment, incentives, self efficacy, and commitment of the organization have a positive and significant impact on the performance of the staff, the influence of empowering, incentive, and self effecacy have a significant and positive effect on the organization's commitment, and empowerement, the incentive has an impact on staff's performance with the commitment organiassi as a variable part mediation, and the self efficiency on staff performance with organizational commitmentasi as a full mediation variable.</p> 2024-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Luh Ayu Trisna Dewi, Ida Ayu Oka Martini Strategies for Developing the Quality of SMK Education Islamic High School Majoring in Multimedia and Technology Information (Case Study in Parung Panjang District - Bogor Regency) 2024-09-10T01:53:20+00:00 Syahlarriyadi Syahlarriyadi [email protected] Suhendar Sulaiman [email protected] Zulfitria Zulfitria [email protected] <p>This study uses a qualitative method with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to analyze the strategy for developing the quality of Islamic vocational school education majoring in multimedia and information technology in the Parung Panjang area, Bogor Regency, with a focus on school accreditation, human resources, curriculum, and infrastructure. In addition, this study develops alternative quality development strategies that can be applied not only in the region but also in general throughout Indonesia. The results of this research show that the main criteria for developing quality of education at Islamic Vocational Schools consisted of managerial (A1, A2), curriculum (A2, A3), human resource (A3, A4), infrastructure (A4, A5), and human resources (A4). The findings of this study can be used as a reference for the implementation of strategies in Islamic vocational schools, and cultivating strategies that have a positive impact on Islamic education both at the national and international levels.</p> 2024-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syahlarriyadi Syahlarriyadi, Suhendar Sulaiman, Zulfitria Zulfitria The Effect of the Impact of Digital Transformation Strategy on Financial Performance Moderated by Cognitive Conflict in Partner Companies of PT. Erdiva Daya Technology Solutions 2024-08-31T07:25:52+00:00 Taufik Setiawan [email protected] Chandra Wibowo Widhianto [email protected] <p>This study aims to verify whether digital transformation strategy (DTS) enhances organizational performance and to analyze the necessity of implementing DTS, considering perspectives like "Skewed conflict," "minority dissent theory," and the "too-much-of-a-good-thing" principle. This research uses a quantitative method with a descriptive and explanatory survey approach to examine the cause-and-effect relationship between variables. The research concludes that DTS significantly influences both short-term and long-term financial performance, providing insights into how cognitive conflict influences DTS effectiveness and highlighting the need for enterprises to manage such conflicts to maximize financial performance.</p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Taufik Setiawan, Chandra Wibowo Widhianto Law Enforcement of Police Discretion to Resolve Traffic Accidents at the Investigation Level 2024-09-07T08:57:08+00:00 Angga Nurhadinata [email protected] Candra Wibowo [email protected] Harmono Harmono [email protected] Agus Dimyati [email protected] <p>Traffic accidents are one of the serious problems that are often faced in the context of law enforcement, especially in countries with high traffic density such as Indonesia. This study aims to evaluate how discretionary decisions taken by police investigators can affect the case settlement process, taking into account aspects of justice and public interest. The study utilized policy documents as the primary data source, focusing on analyzing these documents through a systematic document analysis and content analysis approach. The document analysis technique will help in organizing and summarizing these documents to identify relevant information and protocols regarding the application of discretion. The content analysis will then be employed to examine the specifics of how discretion is framed and regulated within these policies, revealing the underlying principles and standards guiding police decision-making in traffic accident cases. This research would contribute to refining policies and practices related to police discretion, ensuring they effectively balance flexibility with adherence to legal and ethical standards.</p> 2024-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Angga Nurhadinata, Candra Wibowo, Harmono Harmono, Agus Dimyati The Sight Distance Planning for Road User Safety : A Case of Jalan Pasukan Sindangkasih-Majalengka 2024-09-05T06:56:24+00:00 Rini Nurhasanah [email protected] Andri Irfan Rifai [email protected] Mohamad Taufik [email protected] Yusra Aulia Sari [email protected] <p>This study aims to provide practical and applicable solutions to improve road safety on the Troop-Sindangkasih Road section in Majalengka Regency, West Java, by analyzing road visibility using empirical data and the Bina Marga method. The primary data consisted of looking for a literature review on the classification of road classes based on their functions, calculation of visibility, while for secondary data collected about the location map of this study. The results show that visibility planning can be improved to improve traffic efficiency and reduce the risk of accidents. The research could also consider the influence of different vehicle types and weather conditions on visibility requirements to refine the standards set by the Geometric Planning Procedures for Intercity Roads. It is also hoped that this research will increase awareness of the importance of visibility planning for overall road safety to avoid accidents.</p> 2024-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rini Nurhasanah, Andri Irfan Rifai, Mohamad Taufik, Yusra Aulia Sari Feasibility Analysis on Tempe Industrial Home (Case in Tempe Yayan Industrial Home, Lebaksiuh Village, Ciawi District, Kuningan Regency) 2024-09-05T07:19:37+00:00 Yono Suryana [email protected] Aldy Prasetya [email protected] Tri Sutrisno [email protected] Achmad Faqih [email protected] <p>This study aims to evaluate the financial viability of tempeh home industry businesses by analyzing how production costs affect profitability. The design used in this study is a quantitative descriptive method with a technical survey approach. The data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and questionnaires (questionnaires). The results of this study are as follows: (1) Total production BEP and BEP business price of Tempe Yayan's home industry business in Lebaksiuh Village, Ciawi District, Kuningan Regency, were analyzed. (2) The R/C ratio analysis was used to analyze the profit and loss of the home industry. (3) The total profit of this home industry was calculated as a function of production costs, BEP price, and total profit. (4) Based on the results of the research and discussion conducted regarding the Profit and Loss Analysis of the Tempe YaYan Home Industry Business, future research could focus on a comparative analysis of financial performance and profitability across different tempay home industry ventures in various regions. The research would provide a broader understanding of best practices and challenges faced by similar businesses, offering valuable insights for both entrepreneurs and policymakers. (5) The research could explore the impact of government support and interventions on the growth and success of home industry enterprises, particularly in terms of capital access, production efficiency, and marketing effectiveness.</p> 2024-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yono Suryana, Aldy Prasetya, Tri Sutrisno, Achmad Faqih Juridical Analysis of the Handling of Terrorism Crime 2024-09-07T09:00:18+00:00 Dhanu Hariwijaya [email protected] Herry Irfanto [email protected] Fadhli Ghifari SP [email protected] Agus Dimyati [email protected] Anom Sutrisno [email protected] <p>The research aims to study the police's countermeasures for dealing with acts of terrorism in Cirebon Regency, Indonesia. This study uses a normative juridical approach, focusing on analyzing legal regulations and their application in practice. The study identifies that although laws and regulations such as Law Number 5 of 2018 provide a strong legal basis, implementation still faces challenges related to the effectiveness of coordination between law enforcement officials and intelligence agencies. The findings of this study also contribute to the development of law and public policy in Indonesia by providing a solid academic foundation to support necessary regulatory changes or adjustments. The results of this analysis can help policymakers in formulating more responsive and adaptive strategies in dealing with the threat of terrorist, so as to create a stronger legal system and be able to protect society more comprehensively.</p> 2024-09-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dhanu Hariwijaya, Herry Irfanto, Fadhli Ghifari SP, Agus Dimyati, Anom Sutrisno