Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)

HEARJACK - The Ultimate Posture Enhancement and Skin Health Jacket for Military Excellence

Assessing The Effect of Creative Accounting on Corporate Performance: a Case of Selected Listed Commercial Banks on the Ghana Stock Exchange

Islamic Education Theory Al-Zarnuji's Perspective in The Book Ta'lim Al-Muta'allim

The Spirit of Tolerance in Determining the Time of Dawn According to Indonesian Classical Scholars in Malay-Nusantara

The Influence of Graduates' Competence from Universitas Darussalam Gontor on the Relevance Level between Fields of Study and Employment

Implementation of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) on Measuring the Efficiency of Gas Station Services

The Existence and Significance of Local Islam Amid Purification and Modernization in Indonesia

Application of Electronic Land Certificates in The Indonesian Land System