This issue has been available online since 11th July 2023 for the Regular Issue of October 2022. All articles in this issue (10 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 10 authors From 2 Countries ( Ghan, India and Indonesia )



Published: 2023-07-09

Knowledge Relationships And Family Attitudes In Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention Activities At Naioni

Analysis Of Consumer Preferences In Buying Broiler Chicken Meat

The Effect Of The Combination Of Concentration And Spraying Time Bioliquid Organic Fertilizer For Growth And Yield Sweet Corn Plant (Zea mays Var. saccharata sturt) Baruna Varieties

The Influence Of Agricultural Extension Communication Forms On The Adoption Rate Of Post-Harvest Rice Technology Innovation

Dental Radiation Safety In Radiography Policies: Scoping Review And Findings In Indonesia

Effects Of Financial Management Practices On The Operational Performance Of The Ghana Police Force

Importance of Women in freedom struggle in India

The Impact Of Digital Marketing, Electronic Word Of Mouth (E-Wom) And Personal Selling On Purchasing Decisions And The Influence Of Competitors' Products As Moderating Variables