This issue has been available online since 11th February 2023 for the Regular Issue of October 2022. All articles in this issue (5 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 10 authors From Indonesia


Published: 2023-01-15

Government Support In Implementing Permenkes No. 30 / 2013

Legal Guarantee of Confidentiality of Customer Data in Online Loan Business Services

Legitimacy Of The Prosecutor's Authority In Investigation On Criminal Acts Of Corruption

Regional Economic Growth in View of the Factors Affecting Regional Levies

Bawaslu Performance in Law Enforcement Efforts Against Money Politics Violations

Political Participation Of Beginning Voters In The Election Of Head Of Bangsri Village, Bulakamba Sub-District, Brebes District, In 2022

Implications Of The Glasgow Agreement (Cop26) Phasing-Down Of Unabated Coal Power On Indonesia's Trade Balance

Omnibus Law as an Answer to Employment Law Problems in Indonesia

The Responsibility of Social Welfare Institutions in the Implementation of Collecting Money or Goods in the Digital Era

Restorative Justice as an Effort to Settle Traffic Accident Crime Cases